云木香927 发表于 2020-12-24 00:00:00

棕榈泉年终总决赛暨圣诞派对圆满落幕!PalmSprings2020SeriesFinalsasucces ...


Time flies! The 2020 Palm Springs Junior Series finals together with the end of year Christmas party came to a successful conclusion at Saturday 19th December.

This competition was played in a best ball format. The players were in pairs, the best score between the two players counts for the team on each hole and is taken and used to determine the champions, runners-up and third place group. In addition, the competition committee also set a series of annual awards. Players were full of confidence and eager to play well.

Write wishes on the wall

At 11:20, the 18-hole players came to the sign-up area one after another, the Christmas atmosphere was strong.


Snow White appeared to present mysterious Christmas gifts

The handsome boys
Snow Princess and her "Olaf"

梦想要有的,说不定哪天实现了Hope the dream will come true someday

”小小的愿望small wishs“

After signing in and warming up, The competition began!

Players’ spirit

部分学员照片 Part of players photos


Race results of GroupAB(18 Holes)

前9洞,李宣燃、Alvin Hu 小组以最好成绩37杆领先;后九洞,易楚桁、刘杨小组奋起直追、强强联手,以74杆成绩最终拿下18洞冠军组桂冠,同时,共同打出了4个Birdie,赢得本次18洞最多Birdie小组!李宣燃、Alvin Hu 小组名列18洞亚军组,谢雨威、李乐睿名列18洞季军组,他们同时还获得最多par小组,共打出11个Par。王韦杰荣获18洞最近旗杆奖,丘洋宁荣获18洞最远距离奖,张钰柠获最佳风度奖。
After 9 holes, Danny Li and Alvin Hu were the strongest starters and led the tournament with a best ball score of 37. On the back nine, Louis Yi and Daniel Yang put in a great performance to team up and win the 18-hole championship with a total score of 74. At the same time, they also scored 4 birdies together and this was enough to score the most birdies in the 18-hole championship! Danny Li and Alvin Hu ranked second in the 18-hole Group, Wallace Xie and Loring Li ranked third place in the 18-hole group, They also won the most par team, playing a total of 11 pars. Justin Wang won the 18-hole group nearest pin award, Chloe Qiu won the 18-hole group longest driver award, and Kimmy Zhang won the best etiquette award.

Based on the overallyear long performance in 2020, the organizing committee named Loring Li the 18-hole annual gross champion! Louis Yi won 18-hole gross runner-up, and Aaron Lu won 18 hole gross third place! The most hardworking won the annual hardworking Junior award went to Colin Kong, Jeff Jiang, Peter Li, Justin Wang, Chris Zheng, Loring Li, Gavin Yuan, Rainy Shen were all presented with 18-hole annual Best Progress Award!


Race results of Group CD(9 Holes)

前5洞,黄伟霖、Andrew Xu小组、殷子淇、刘智宸小组旗鼓相当,成绩持平,后半场黄伟霖、Andrew Xu小组凭3个par的优势,以42杆的小组成绩勇夺9洞冠军组,殷子淇、刘智宸小组以45杆的成绩名列9洞亚军组,赵佳逸、单乐优以48杆成绩荣获9洞季军组;贺思博、祁浩珈荣获9洞最多Par小组,沈人杰、李泓逸荣获9洞最多Birdie小组。Jason Yang荣获9洞最近旗杆奖,胡俊博荣获9洞最远距离奖,殷子淇荣获9洞最佳风度奖!
After first 5 holes, the team of Weilin Huang and Andrew Xu were well-matched and tied on the same score as Maggie Yin and Zhichen Liu. Weilin Huang and Andrew Xu then finished strongly to go on and win the 9-hole championship with a best ball score of 42 and with a 3 par advantage. Maggie Yin and Zhichen Liu finished as runners-up with a score of 45 and Jiayi Zhao and Leo Shan finished in third place with a score of 48. Sibo He and Haojia Qi won the award for most pars with Renjie Shen and Hongyi Li winning the award for most birdies. Jason Yang won the 9-hole championship nearest the pin award, Junbo Hu won the prize for longest drive and Maggie Yin won the best etiquette award.

黄伟霖斩获9洞年度总杆冠军,Jason Yang荣获9洞年度总杆亚军,刘智宸荣获9洞年度总杆季军。司徒嘉权、田一涵、张智凡 、李俊毅、李泓逸、周子麦、张可颖、张益诚获年度最佳进步奖。
Weilin Huang won the 9-hole annual gross championship, Jason Yang finshed as runner-up with Zhichen Liuwon finishing in third place. Jiaquan Situ, Yihan Tian, Zhifan Zhang, Junyi Li, Hongyi Li , Zimai Zhou, Keying Zhang, Yicheng Zhang won awards for annual best progress!

The awards ceremony and Christmas party of the year-end finals ended in a cheerful atmosphere. The 2020 Palm Springs Junior Series came to a successful conclusion. We hope this event will leave unforgettable memories in the heart of the students. See you all in 2021!

Special thanks:
American Superkit Junior Professional Golf Equipment

The prizes of this event are sponsored by American Superkit Junior Professional Golf Equipment.

         Superkit® 品牌来自于美国纽约州,创始人约翰先生。
       约翰先生自20世纪90年代与高尔夫球具结缘,至今一直致力于研究高尔夫球具与球手的自身条件(习惯)匹配融合,经过约翰先生及其团队近20年对高尔夫装备不断的研究、挖掘与改进,不断实践与更新,完美融合了运动学原理与新科技材料,开发出一套成熟培养全球青少年,在高尔夫球运动领域独特潜能的理念与专业技术。经过约翰先生及团队的多年沉淀与努力,Superkit® 旗下 Super Junior® 系列高尔夫装备以令全球瞩目的完美形象,于2019年5月在美国上市,7月登陆中国大陆,2020年1月进入香港、澳门。自上市以来,深受每个国家地区的专业团队、教练及消费者的称赞和好评(赞誉)!
      Superkit® 系列高尔夫装备,定位全球高端、专业领域、Superkit® 工作团队在产品的每一个细节,都秉承于当今世界更时尚,更精细、更合理的专业理念。采用高端原材料,以降低公差为目标,从而为高尔夫爱好者提升成绩提供有力的保障。

- END -

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Palm Springs International Golf Academy
沙河高尔夫球会Sand River Golf Club
深圳棕榈泉国际中心Shezhen Palm Springs International Center
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