冰山熔岩 发表于 2019-3-29 00:00:00


How was everyone’s practicing last week? I hope you have been making a lot of progress. I'm sure you can't wait to check out your performance on the golf course.This week our PGA coach Robert would like to share ways to break through the 90 barrier by making some better course management decisions. If you apply the proper strategy,you may be surprised how low your score can really go! 上星期的练习计划,大家完成的如何呢?想必各位已准备充分,跃跃欲试,想要到球场上一战究竟!本周Robert教练就为大家带来【如何突破90杆】的球场实战攻略。如果你能遵循适宜的球场策略,降低杆数的速度一定让你喜出望外!

The game plan for Par 3’s is to hit the green in at least 2 shots and then 2 putt for bogey, most golfers try to hit the green in 1 amazing shot.


The game plan for Par 4’s is to hit the green in 3 shots and 2 putt for bogey try to play a club from the tee that you feel confident you can hit the fairway, you don’t need a big drive of 250 yards or more the longer you hit it the less accurate you will be.


The game plan for par 5’s is to hit the green in 4 shots and 2 putts same strategy as playing the par4’s.


Remember: Keep the ball in play( one swing = 1 stroke ) and aim for the middle of every green. Don’t go for risky shots that you have never practiced before.


Don’t panic. Play a safe shot that will get the ball back in play. Pay attention to the lie of the ball if it’s sitting up then fine but if its sitting bad hit a sensible shot that will get you back into play to advance the ball towards the green if possible. If you can advance the ball to within 150 yards, play your next shot into the green. If not, lay up to your best yardage and try to make a putt.


Don’t panic. Play a safe shot that will get the ball onto the green and try to make a putt.


Don’t panic. Stick to the plan. The only thing that has changed is that you have to make one more putt. That’s it. The course will give you plenty of opportunities for that.


Don’t panic. Trust your game plan. If something goes wrong, get the ball back on course and try to make a putt.


Our British P.G.A Professional Mr. Rob Eastwood has 25 years experience in teaching and playing at a high standard, he has worked with a wide range of students from all walks of life young and old and helped each person achieve good results.

我们的PGA专业教练, Mr. Rob Eastwood 来自英国,拥有25年的高尔夫教学经验,他的学生年龄跨度大,且来自各行各业,但在教练的指导下,都取得了很大的进步。

Rob is available for lessons by appointment 7 days a week and his contact details are below.

Pro shop/高球精品店 : 0755-26736837

Tel/手机: 13410748684

Wechat/微信: robeastwood
Email/邮箱: robeastwood@xiligolf.com

Good luck and enjoy shooting in the 80's.
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查看完整版本: 如何突破90杆?|Howtobreak90?(Ⅱ)