【6月8日】龙船庄园葡萄酒品鉴晚宴|ChateauBeychevelleWineDinner ...
龙船庄园 (Chateau Beychevelle) 位于波尔多(Bordeaux)左岸的圣朱利安(Saint-Julien),毗邻龙船(Beychevelle)镇,与圣皮尔酒庄(Chateau St Pierre)和歌丽雅酒庄(Chateau Gloria)相邻。在1855年梅多克((Medoc)列级评定中,龙船庄园被评为四级酒庄。龙船庄园最早以出产极其细致优雅且顺滑的葡萄酒著称。现在由于调配时加入了更多的赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon), 葡萄酒已经变得更加丰富,风味也更复杂。另外,酒庄帝王般的建筑气质与奢华的花床也成为吸引众人的焦点。
Chateau Beychevelle is situated in Saint-Julien on the left bank of the Bordeaux region, close to the town of Beychevelle, with near neighbours including Chateau St.Pierre and Chateau Gloria. Since the introduction of the classification in 1855, it ranks in the category of Fourth Grand Cru Classé in the whole o f the Medoc. The reputation was originally gained through its suppleness, smoothness and elegance, while today the blend has become richer and more complicated in flavor with oodles of the Cabernet Sauvignon. Moreover, the splendid chateau featuring imperial power and the luxury flower bed have become an attraction for the visitors.
这个城堡就是波尔多所有酒庄中最大的城堡,被称为“波尔多的凡尔赛宫”。据说,正是因为德佩农公爵,酒庄才改名为龙船庄园(Chateau Beychevelle)。酒庄的位置临近吉伦特河(Gironde),后花园一直向河边延伸,可以看到往来的船只。往来船只上的人们知道海军总司令就住在这里,为了表示对他的臣服和敬仰,都会自觉地向他敬礼。但由于河面太宽,用手敬礼未必能被看见,因此,他们后来以斜下半帆的方式以示敬礼。久而久之,这便成为当地不成文的约定。 船员们经过这里时都会大声喊“下半帆(Baisse-Voile)”。总司令听见后明白其意,非常喜欢,决定以一艘下着半帆的龙船作为酒庄的标志。至此,首部饰有狮身鹫首怪兽(希神)的龙船成为了酒窖的守护神,并以象音单词“Beychevelle”代表“Baisse-Voile”作为酒庄名字。
As the biggest chateau in Bordeaux Region, Chateau Beychevelle is referred as the Bordeaux version of Versailles. It is said that Ducd’ Epernon was responsible for the renaming of the estate to Beychevelle. The estate is close to the Gironde River with the garden stretching to the riverside. Hence, the passing ships can be seen from the estate. When ships on the Gironde used to pass the estate, they would salute in homage to Ducd’ Epernon, who was also the admiral of France at that time. Given the fact that the river is too wide to allow the salute to be seen, they lowered their sails instead. Not long after, this act became a local unofficial convention. Whenever the sailors passed by and lowered their sails by calling out“baisse voile”, the admiral was so delighted so that he decided touse a ship with lowered s ails as the chateau’s emblem. Since then, the ship with a prow in the shape of a griffin has become the defender of the chateau, and this act led to the name “Beychevelle”, which is pronounced in a similar way to “baisse voile”.
在中国,龙船庄在业内也是家喻户晓,酒的品质当然无庸置疑,他管理下的一系列适合不同人群的产品,从正牌“龙船庄”,到副牌“龙船将军”,附属产品“龙船美度”,“小龙船”,都是各个消费层次中的精选。酒庄的标记 - 龙船,更是与中国的传统文化相挥并映,成为中法文化合壁的经典之作。
Chateau Beychevelle in China market also shares high reputation among the customers. Wine quality, is of course the first element for choice. Secondly, the various product lines under its management, from first wine Chateau Beychevelle, second wine Amiral de Beychevelle, sub-brands as Brulieres de Beychevelle and Grand Bateau, always top all wine selection at their respective levels. The emblem of Chateau, a ship with a prow in the shape of a griffin, which closes to the traditional image of Dragon Boat in China, perfectly fuses with the Chinese culture and successfully establishes an impressive brand image on this market.
Dear Members, Xili Golf and Country Club cordially invite you to join us for an exclusive dinner featuring an exciting range of wines from Chateau Beychevelle. The signature dishes will be prepared by our talented Chef Henry of Coffee Shop.
Event Details 活动详情
Chateau Beychevelle Wine Dinner
酒庄嘉宾:Philipe Blanc
Date : 8 June 2017 (Thursday)
Time : Reception: 6:30 pm
Dinner : 7:00 pm
Venue : Sports Bar
Price : RMB800/ per person
Speakers : Philipe Blanc
*Limited 16 seats available on a first-come-first-served basis. For reservations, please callthe Reservation Centre on 26559791