可爱小祖宗 发表于 2016-7-30 00:00:00


七月第四周球场维护更新The maintenanceupdate
最近的球道上出现了一些杂草,我们现在也在开始清理它们,因此在球道上会出现一些清理杂草后的痕迹,但不久后就会消失。Last week, shenzhen encountered bad weather rain,so there have been some weak place on the course.But through our colleagues' work,the problems are gradually resolved.Because of the rain,some weeds appeared on the fairway.Now we are beginning to clear them,so there will be some marks on the course.We hope members and guests can understand us.

这次,我们跟随球场的草坪总监下场进行了场下作业跟踪。我们了解到,夏季是草坪生长较快的季节,为了让球场全年呈现更好的草坪质量,我们选择在这个时候对草坪进行较频繁的修整。而此时也是修整草坪最好的时间,可以让秋冬两季的草变得更好。We also realize some weak place,so this time we go into the course with our lawn directorto understand and follow up.We know that this summer is our best season to promote our grass and will be better in the autumn and winter if we make full use of the time .

从我们观察的情况来看,球场总体不错,果岭的状况良好,我们会继续保持好的方面,提升需要改进的地方。在下周,天气预报将会有大雨,但球场经过两周的休整,已经恢复至较好状态。我们会尽力保持果岭状态,给您带来更好的球场体验。From our observation,the course is in good condition.We will continue doing our job,keep the good side and improve the bad side.There will rain in the next week.The course has come to a good situation.We will do our best that we can bring you a better experience course.


感谢您的理解和配合,祝您打球愉快!Thanks for your cooperation,hope you have a nice golfing time!
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