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--(On rumors that he’s a Muslim) “Being President is never easy. I still have to fix the broken immigration system, issue veto threats, negotiate with Iran, all while finding time to pray five times a day。”
--(On House Speaker John Boehner) “It’s no wonder people keep pointing out how the presidency has aged me. I look so old John Boehner has already invited (Israel Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu to speak at my funeral。”
--(On former Vice President Dick Cheney) “Dick Cheney says he thinks I’m the worst President of his lifetime, which is interesting because I think Dick Cheney is the worst President of my lifetime. Quite a coincidence。”
--(On former secretary of state and current 2016 candidate Hillary Clinton) “I’ve just got to put this stuff aside. I’ve gotta stay focused on my job, because for many Americans this is still a time of deep uncertainty. For example, I have one friend, just a few weeks ago, she was making millions of dollars a year, and she’s now living out of a van in Iowa。”
--(On Vice President Biden) “You know I tease Joe sometimes, but he has been at my side for seven years. I love that man. He’s not just a great vice president, he’s a great friend. We’ve gotten so close (that) in some places in Indiana, they won’t serve us pizza anymore。”
--(On a new ABC sitcom) “ABC is here with some of the stars from their big new comedy ‘Blackish.’ It’s a great show, but I have to give ABC fair warning: Being blackish only makes you popular for so long. Trust me. There’s a shelf life to that thing。”