汤臣上海浦东高尔夫球场及欣荻瑞向您推荐以“高球全体验”为理念的高尔夫球 ...
Dear Members,尊敬的会员,
Tomson Golf Club and Cindy Reid would like to introduce their Golf instructional lesson package, which is built upon the concept of a total game experience. Our goal is to make sure that while you are learning with us we provide an enjoyable environment that will allow you to gain the knowledge and tools necessary to improve your golf game. We will deliver useful information that is easy to understand, which builds upon itself in a logical progression. The information that we will be using in building a golf swing, short-game and putting game has been influenced by many people, especially Cindy Reid who have been around the game for a long time. Much of Cindy’s philosophy has been developed through the extensive studying of the greatest players alive and the 25 years of experience Cindy herself has gained through her own personal teaching.
汤臣上海浦东高尔夫球场及欣荻瑞向您推荐以“高球全体验”为理念的高尔夫球课程。我们的目标是为您提供舒适且浓厚的高球学习氛围,让您获得更多提升球技的知识及工具。我们会以符合逻辑的进程为基础,将有用的信息通过简单易懂的方式传达给您。我们教授的全挥杆、短杆和推杆的技术和内容是很多人,特别是长期接触高尔夫的欣荻瑞女士的智慧结晶。欣荻瑞的教学理念大部分是从现场观摩研究当今顶尖球员以及她本人超过25 年的实践教学所总结及发展起来的。
The Tomson Golf Club and Cindy feel that the ultimate gift an instructor can pass along to his or her student is knowledge of his or her own game. Cindy is well certified, dedicated and passionate about improving your golf skills. The relationship and bond that an instructor and student develop lasts much longer throughout the years, therefore we have also designed learning techniques that aid the student for future improvement.
The following is Cindy Reid’s lesson package at Tomson Golf Club. She looks forward to seeing you sign up soon!