天气渐热,除了好好享受阳光去下场挥杆外,对于初学者来说更多的时间应该交给练习场了。本期我们将介绍亲们如何正确的把挥杆姿势站好,高尔夫的正确站姿是打高尔夫的基本条件之一,可别小看这简单的动作,它起到的作用可不简单。如果起始站姿不正确,那么想要能够正确地挥杆几乎不太可能,通过下面的一组练习可以帮助你学习正确的站姿。 Stance Exercise 站姿练习 1 Stand tall with hands behind back. 双手置于背后站直. ------------------------------------------- Stance Exercise 站姿练习 2 Keeping your legs straight, move your hands to your side and have your palms facing away from you. Your body weight should be even from toes to heel. 保持两腿直,双手移至身体两侧且双手手掌指向身体前方。重心均匀分布在两脚上(不要过多在脚后跟或脚尖上). -------------------------------------- Stance Exercise 站姿练习 3 Let your arms hang from your shoulder, and add a small amount of knee flex. The body weight should remain even. 双臂自然下垂,双膝微曲,此时重心仍是均匀分布于两脚上. -------------------------------------- Stance Exercise 站姿练习 4 Without moving your arms, grip the club. 双臂不动握好杆. -------------------------------------- Stance Exercise 站姿练习 5 You body should feel athletic with relaxed arms and hands 双臂和双手放松而有力度. -------------------------------------- Stance Exercise 站姿练习 6 Practise this as this is the body posture for all your clubs. 照上述方法做,这个姿势适用于所有的高尔夫球杆. |
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