【活动Event】2017年球会杯联谊赛|PremierCupInter-ClubMatch2017 ...
Xili Golf and Country Club is pleased to inform members that the "Premier Cup" Inter- Club Match 2017 is going to be staged on Saturday, November 18,2017. With the fantastic performance by the Xili Team last year, winning at Chung Shan Hot Spring Golf Club. We are sure it will be very exciting and special for Team Xili to defend the tournament at our home course next month.
2017年度的球会联谊赛将在11月18日, 星期六举行。去年我们西丽代表队以出色的表现在中山温泉高尔夫球会摘得比赛桂冠,今年西丽作为主场迎接我们的老朋友们,相信会员们都卯足了劲争取卫冕冠军,将奖杯继续留在西丽。
Participating Golf Club are Chung Shan Hot Spring Golf Club, FoShan Golf Club and Xili Golf Club, each club will form a team of 12 members to take part in the competition. The format will be a Two-Ball Peoria System, with the maximum handicap for entrants set at 18. The scores of the top four teams will be counted to determine the winning club.
If you are keen on contributing to the Xili Team, please contact the Membership Office for enrollment details.
Tel 电话:(86-755) 26559792
Email: Membership@xiligolf.com