【AprilActivity四月活动】PaintandSipatXili|西丽春季品酒与油画创作 ...
Dear Members亲爱的会员,
April is upon us and there is no better time than now to head outdoors and take in the season's fresh air. Come and join our wine and Cheese Tasting and Fun Oil Painting activity on 14th April,Thursday at the Club.
Relish a perfect pairing of fine wine and savory cheese and snacks during the tasting session while enjoying the oil painting lesson from Shenzhen The Colour Lab Studio. You will have a chance to create your own masterpiece.首先是品酒环节,在这美好的春天品尝葡萄酒的芬芳与美味芝士和点心的完美搭配,享受微醺惬意的午后。接下来是绘画环节,球会特别邀请了来自深圳The Colour Lab工作室的老师给大家带来油画培训,在老师的指导下,每位参与者都有机会创作属于自己的油画作品。
They say every painting has a story to tell. This will be a story between you and the club. Xili sets the stage for a very special occasion with plush rolling hills and a stunning golf course as your backdrop. Explore your creative side and bring your friends spend a wonderful afternoon with us. 每幅绘画作品都有属于自己的故事,这次我们要讲述的是您和球会的缘分碰撞。品一杯美酒,以西丽绵延不绝的山丘,绿草如茵的球场为背景,享受大自然带给我们的灵感作画。这将是您不可错过的另一种邂逅。
Event Schedule活动日程
Date日期14th April (Thursday)2016年4月14日(星期四)Time时间2:30pm Wine and Cheese Tasting 红酒与芝士品鉴3:00pm Club Wine Cellar Tour 酒窖参观3:30pm—6:00pm Outdoor Oil Painting户外油画创作Fee费用288RMB per person 人民币288/每人Member can bring guests. Maximum 15 people for this event. 会员可带嘉宾。本次活动仅有15个名额。For Reservation报名方式:
▪ Call the Membership Office on 报名请致电会员部电话 :0755-26552888 ext.内线 8130
▪ Email us your full name, Membership NO. and mobile phone number to 报名请将您的全名,会员编号以及手机号码发送至会员部邮箱: membership@xiligolf.com
Space is limited, make your reservation now to ensure your spot.参与人数有限,预约从速。
We wish every member has a wonderful weekend and a great Qing Ming holiday. We look forward to seeing you at the Club.祝愿每位会员度过一个愉快的周末和清明节假期,我们期待在球会见到您!
April is upon us and there is no better time than now to head outdoors and take in the season's fresh air. Come and join our wine and Cheese Tasting and Fun Oil Painting activity on 14th April,Thursday at the Club.
Relish a perfect pairing of fine wine and savory cheese and snacks during the tasting session while enjoying the oil painting lesson from Shenzhen The Colour Lab Studio. You will have a chance to create your own masterpiece.首先是品酒环节,在这美好的春天品尝葡萄酒的芬芳与美味芝士和点心的完美搭配,享受微醺惬意的午后。接下来是绘画环节,球会特别邀请了来自深圳The Colour Lab工作室的老师给大家带来油画培训,在老师的指导下,每位参与者都有机会创作属于自己的油画作品。
They say every painting has a story to tell. This will be a story between you and the club. Xili sets the stage for a very special occasion with plush rolling hills and a stunning golf course as your backdrop. Explore your creative side and bring your friends spend a wonderful afternoon with us. 每幅绘画作品都有属于自己的故事,这次我们要讲述的是您和球会的缘分碰撞。品一杯美酒,以西丽绵延不绝的山丘,绿草如茵的球场为背景,享受大自然带给我们的灵感作画。这将是您不可错过的另一种邂逅。
Event Schedule活动日程
Date日期14th April (Thursday)2016年4月14日(星期四)Time时间2:30pm Wine and Cheese Tasting 红酒与芝士品鉴3:00pm Club Wine Cellar Tour 酒窖参观3:30pm—6:00pm Outdoor Oil Painting户外油画创作Fee费用288RMB per person 人民币288/每人Member can bring guests. Maximum 15 people for this event. 会员可带嘉宾。本次活动仅有15个名额。For Reservation报名方式:
▪ Call the Membership Office on 报名请致电会员部电话 :0755-26552888 ext.内线 8130
▪ Email us your full name, Membership NO. and mobile phone number to 报名请将您的全名,会员编号以及手机号码发送至会员部邮箱: membership@xiligolf.com
Space is limited, make your reservation now to ensure your spot.参与人数有限,预约从速。
We wish every member has a wonderful weekend and a great Qing Ming holiday. We look forward to seeing you at the Club.祝愿每位会员度过一个愉快的周末和清明节假期,我们期待在球会见到您!