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【Wine美酒】YarraYering—Experiencethevintagetaste雅拉优伶酒庄—品味时 ...

2016/03/05 00:00:00
People mature with age and experience. Just like fine wine, you grow better with the years.随着年龄和人生阅历的增加人会变得更加成熟。就像好的葡萄酒,随着时间的陈酿越来越有味道。

Even if you are a novice wine-taster, a properly aged wine will taste and feel very different from the younger version. Older wines are such a treat to enjoy!即使你是一个葡萄酒的品鉴新手,你也能喝出一瓶经过良好的储存的陈年葡萄酒与年份较轻的葡萄酒的差别。老年份的葡萄酒品尝起来绝对别有一番风味。

Dear members if you are looking for some well aged wine, we have just the perfect one for you at Xili Wine Cellar. We have stored a wide range of fine wines with limited production across the world for our honorable members.亲爱的会员们如果您对老年份的葡萄酒感兴趣,那么西丽酒窖一定有您心仪的选择。酒窖珍藏了来自全球限量的精品葡萄酒,您可以寻找到蕴含全世界精华地区阳光和风土的葡萄酒精粹。

This week let’s start by introducing some great older wine from one of Australias’ most treasured little boutique wineries —— “Yarra Yering”本周我们将为您介绍来自澳大利亚最宝贵的小精品酒庄之一的雅拉优伶酒庄。Introduction雅拉优伶酒庄 - 基本资料Winery:Yarra Yering
中文名:雅拉优伶酒庄 Region: Yarra Valley
所在产区:雅拉谷Owner: Dr. Carrodus酒庄拥有者:卡罗达斯博士Grape picking method: manual picking葡萄采摘方式:人工采摘

About this winery酒庄介绍Yarra Yering was established in 1969 at the foot of the Warramate Hills in Victoria's Yarra Valley by Dr Bailey Carrodus. Over the past 40 years Yarra Yering has earned an international reputation as a consistent producer of fine wines.

Dr Carrodus held qualifications in Botany, Winemaking & a Doctrate in plant physiology. He planted the first 30 acres of the Yarra Yering vineyard in 1969. The vines were planted without irrigation on a gentle northerly slope at the foot of the Warramate hills. They are still non-irrigated. The site provides good drainage, all day exposure to the warm sun, and enough elevation from the valley floor to avoid the spring frosts. The soil is a deep grey silty loam shot through with bands of gravel.Bailey Carrodus博士拥有植物学和酿酒学位及从事植物生理学研究。他于1969开始耕耘30公顷的雅拉优伶葡萄园。葡萄藤种植位于华来美山脚下的北部缓坡且没有灌溉系统,但也仍不使用灌溉方式。该位置拥有良好的排水,全日暴露在温暖的阳光下,适中的海拔高度使其避免霜害。其土壤是深灰砂壤土并包含许多的砂砾土。

As the vineyard has grown in size from the original 30 acre block to the current 70 acres new varieties have been planted to supplement the traditional Cabernet, Pinot, Shiraz. A steep gravelly west facing hillside purchased in 1990 was terraced and planted with Portuguese varieties, taking advantage of the sites ability to trap the hot afternoon sun. All vines are hand pruned and hand picked.后来葡萄园从原来的30英亩区块发展到目前的70亩,也引入新品种,以补充传统的赤霞珠、黑比诺和西拉等。在90年代购入了西部陡峭的山坡,修筑为梯田,种上葡萄牙品种以吸收下午阳光的炙热。所有的葡萄藤都是人工进行精心的手工修剪和采摘。

Dr Carrodus designed the winery and most of its equipment himself. He believed that the best results were obtained by processing in small batches. The original gentle crusher destemmer and the hand operated basket press are still used for the processing of all fruit.Carrodus博士亲力亲为的一手打造了酒庄,他坚信葡萄酒要有最好的表现重点在于小量的处理生产。 目前仍然使用最原始方式,温柔的破皮除梗到手工篮式压榨。
Dr Carrodus died at his home on the vineyard in 2008, but the traditions he established were built upon by Paul Bridgeman, the winemaker he appointed in the months before his death.Carrodus博士于2008年于葡萄园的家中去世, 可幸的是在他生前他将做所有酿酒的工艺传给了继任者 Paul Bridgeman,使得酒庄的品质得延续。The Yarra Yering Label design酒标的故事

Dr Carrodus designed the label himself. The YY resembles two wine glasses and the leaves are those of the Laurus tree, a symbol of his love for his partner Laurel.酒标由Carrodus博士亲自设计,酒标中的YY 形状类似两个葡萄酒杯,叶子则为月桂树叶,象征着他对他心爱的另一半Laurel 的美好爱情。Recommendation佳酿推荐We have good stocks of the following wines and we heartily recommend them to you.以下是我们精选的来自雅拉优伶酒庄的几款享誉酒届的佳酿与您分享。

Dry Red NO.1雅拉优伶一号

VINTAGE年份: 2005Langton’s Classification of Australian Wine IV – Excellent  兰顿澳大利亚优质葡萄酒分级系统:高级
Member Price会员尊享价: 750RMB
Classic claret style.This is the blend on which the reputation of Yarra Yering was built. Over half the original Yarra Yering planting was to this blend.The bordeaux blend is the type of wine that would always exercise the rigorous mind of someone like Dr. Bailey Carrodus. Austere refined and elegant but surprisingly generous as a young wine.典型的波尔多风格。雅拉优伶的名声建立由此混酿而生,雅拉优伶种植超过一半以上为酿造此种混酿。波尔多混酿风格的葡萄酒,一直不断带给像 Bailey博士这样的酿酒师许多严谨想法上的挑战,佳酿表现清丽优雅,但在年轻的酒中,其拥有令人惊讶的丰满。
Always medium bodied and low in alcohol, suggesting delicacy, but nonetheless a sleeping powerhouse of precision, intensity and concentration that demands the requisite time in the bottle to unfurl and let the drinker in.中等酒体,酒精度低,带有精巧口感,但饮用前需要时间醒开,以使其能展现出其精致,浓郁和集中度。
PrincipallyCabernet Sauvignon with Merlot, Malbec and a little Petit Verdotadded this wine soaks up 100% new oak every vintage and never looks out of balance.独特的赤霞珠,梅洛,马尔贝克和小维尔多混酿,并陈年于100%的新橡木桶,所有年份酿造口感永远是那么的平衡。

Dry Red No. 2雅拉优伶二号

VINTAGE年份: 2007
Member Price会员尊享价: 750RMB
A shiraz based blend with inspiration drawn from the spiritual home of shiraz in Frances Rhone Valley. A perfumed, rich and generous wine co-fermented with tiny amounts of Viognier and Marsanne for vibrancy, suppleness and an extra dimension to its range of expression.西拉混酿的灵感来自于法国罗纳河谷。是一款芬芳,丰富且丰满的佳酿。带有微量的维欧尼和玛珊增添其活力与柔软且增添了另一层维度的表现力.
Recent vintages have seen the inclusion of Mouvedre to add a further element of intrigue to the mix. Feminine, seductive, beguiling and elegant with hints of cherry and spice. 近年来增添了慕和怀特想更添特色的做混酿.女性的,诱人的,迷人和优雅的樱桃和香料。
This is an enormously long lived wine with the vintages from the early 80s still vibrant and full of life.这是一款可供陈年的酒,从80年代早期至今仍充满活力与生命力。

Underhill Shiraz 雅拉优伶峰下西拉

VINTAGE年份: 2004
Member Price会员尊享价: 790RMB
100% Shiraz sourced exclusively from the 1973 planted 8 acre block of Shiraz at the western extremity of Yarra Yering.西拉100%独家来源于1973年所植的葡萄园,位于雅拉优伶葡萄园极西边约8公顷的西拉地块。
A slight westerly aspect & vines rooted in a clay-based soil provide a wine that is a perfect foil for our more feminine Dry Red Wine No. 2.Darker, more rustic elements abound – black fruits, savouriness, spice and underpinning stalkiness all entwine the chewy tannins.由于西风和葡萄藤扎根于粘土壤中,提供了佳酿完美衬托出更女性化的雅拉优伶二号。色泽深,更加带有烟熏的口感元素-黑色水果,鲜味,香料和草药味,并带有强劲丰富可咀嚼般的单宁口感。
A higher percentage of stalks are added back to lend juiciness plus extra cut and persistent tannins to the sweeping finish.  Aged in 1/3 new French oak.加入大量比例的梗一同成汁,单宁持久.陈酿于1/3的法国新橡木桶中。
Experience the vintage taste, indulge yourself in the moment.

We wish every member has a wonderful weekend. We look forward to seeing you all at the club.
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