Congratulations!正中球会会员—叶伟欣荣膺欧巡常青精英赛职业业余配对赛 ...
在2019新年初,正中球会受邀加入ETD欧巡赛球场联盟(European Tour Destination),成为中国首家联盟球场。
At the beginning of 2019, Genzon Golf Club was invited to join the European Tour Destination, and becoming the first ETD league stadium in China.
上周,正中球会会员——叶伟欣叶总,在西班牙的PGA Catalunya度假村举办的,由欧巡球场联盟ETD冠名的欧巡常青精英赛的比赛中,以两天总成绩-19获得职业-业余配对赛并列第四名的好成绩!
Last week, The member of Genzon Golf Club—Ye Weixin,had got a good result in the fourth place in the professional-amateur match with a total score of -19 in the Staysure Tour which was held at the PGA Catalunya Resort in Spain.
Staysure Tour
The Staysure Tour is a competitive platform for professional players aged 50 or above,gathering a wide range of competitive and experienced professional players.The event is held for two days,all the mateur players and professional players participate in the competition, It is very formal and intense.
ETD联盟球场 | PGA Catalunya Resort PGA加泰罗尼亚度假村
At the beginning of 2019, Genzon Golf Club was invited to join the European Tour Destination, and becoming the first ETD league stadium in China.
上周,正中球会会员——叶伟欣叶总,在西班牙的PGA Catalunya度假村举办的,由欧巡球场联盟ETD冠名的欧巡常青精英赛的比赛中,以两天总成绩-19获得职业-业余配对赛并列第四名的好成绩!
Last week, The member of Genzon Golf Club—Ye Weixin,had got a good result in the fourth place in the professional-amateur match with a total score of -19 in the Staysure Tour which was held at the PGA Catalunya Resort in Spain.
Staysure Tour
The Staysure Tour is a competitive platform for professional players aged 50 or above,gathering a wide range of competitive and experienced professional players.The event is held for two days,all the mateur players and professional players participate in the competition, It is very formal and intense.
ETD联盟球场 | PGA Catalunya Resort PGA加泰罗尼亚度假村