九月第三周球场维护更新作业The maintenance update
秋分至,夜渐长。自9月22日秋分之后,黑夜的时间将长过白昼。太阳直射向南半球转移,南方的天气开始变得凉爽。古人语:“白露秋分夜,一夜冷一夜”。所以在天气方面,气温将会下降,雨水也会变少。After the autumnal equinox, the night turns to be longer than the day. And the weather is getting pleasantly cool in autumn days.
随着降雨的减少,球会对球场草坪更易管理和维护,也因为球会在整个夏季的不断努力,球场的草坪在快速恢复至更好状态。With less rain the club can easier manage and maintain green and fairway. The course condition has recovered to high quality.
本周,我们对B场球车道进行了铺设地面沥青的工作。在整个夏季多雨的情况下,我们一直无法进行此项工作。经过此次路面更新,希望能够带给会员您更好的球场体验。This week, we will pave pitch on the lane of B course to make our course better, we are sorry for that inconvenience.
在下周,球场果岭的打孔铺沙作业会继续进行。根据天气预报,下周将会有一次降雨降温的过程,周二以后可能会有雨水,随后气温将加速下降。We will continue aerating and top dressing on the course. According to the weather forecast, there will be thundershower after Tuesday. the temperature will continually drop.
下周封场信息 A场:9月26日(周一)前九 9月27日(周二)后九B场:9月28日(周三)前九 9月29日(周四)后九
Closure information A course 26th Sept. Mon. Front nine holes 27th Sept. Tue. Back nine holesB course 28th Sept. Wed. Front nine holes 29th Sept. Thu. Back nine holes 感谢您的理解和配合,祝您在正中打球愉快!Thanks for your cooperation.Wish you have a nice golfing time!