七月第二周球场维护更新The maintenance update
对于近期球场上出现的一些薄弱问题,我们希望得到您的理解,在持续进行养护作业的同时也希望您在场下配合我们的养护作业安排,与我们一起呵护果岭和球道,以促进场地状况的尽快恢复。Recently,shenzhen so affected by the typhoon.Starting from this week,the rain is almost never stopped.Some bad situation appear on the course.Fortunately,the weather turned fine this afternoon,our colleagues hurry do the top dress on the front nine of course A.
根据天气预报,下一周的天气相对稳定,基本上没有雨水,气温也在27“℃到33“℃之间。虽说有一点炎热,但也没有一整周的雨水来的讨厌。球友们可以趁着没有雨水,在一天当中温度较低的早间和傍晚来正中打球。According to the weather forecast, the weather in the next week will be nice.It almost no rain, the temperature is between 27℃ to 33℃.There is a little hot, but also does not have the whole week rain to hate.members can come to Genzon to play golf when the temperature lower in the morning and in the evening.
以下是下周封场信息:A场:7月18日(周一)前九 7月19日(周二)后九B场:7月20日(周三)前九 7月21日(周四)后九Due to weather this week,our aerating and top dressing work is slow.We will be aerating and top dressing in the next week,in order to recover the course. 感谢您的理解和配合,祝您在正中打球愉快!Thanks for your cooperation,hope you have a nice golfing time!