2022年PGA青少年系列赛将继续获得JGTA的积分认证,符合资格并完成注册认证的参赛球员将获得JGTA的Junior Order of Merit Ranking JOM积分排名,并有机会获得AJGA PBE积星。
根据JGTA赛季末JOM总排名,球员有机会获得AJGA PBE积星状态,球员必须持有有效的AJGA会员卡。
亚洲青少年高尔夫巡回赛(JGTA)是AJGA(美国青少年高尔夫协会) PBE积星系统在亚太地区的核署及管理机构。
JGTA的使命是帮助发展青少年高尔夫球员成为成功的大学高尔夫运动员以及未来的赛事冠军。除了遵守AJGA 及AJGA PBE积星系统的规则和政策外,JGTA还致力于维护AJGA的使命、价值观、标准和原则。
Junior Order of Merit(简称“JOM”)是JGTA官方积分排名系统,也是亚太地区获得AJGA PBE积星的官方渠道。
• 所有参加JGTA认证赛事的球员都将计入排名,一旦开赛,即使中途退赛或取消资格也将按计算为一场已参加的比赛。
• JGTA赛季期间,JOM排名每周更新一次。
至今,超过300名AJGA的前会员活跃于美巡和LPGA巡回赛场,获得超过900个巡回赛冠军。AJGA著名前会员包括著名球员泰格·伍兹 (Tiger Woods)、菲尔·米克尔森 (Phil Mickelson)、乔丹·斯皮思 (Jordan Spieth)、贾斯汀·托马斯 (Justin Thomas)、朴仁妃 (Inbee Park)、摩根·普雷塞尔 (Morgan Pressel)、莱西·汤普森 (Lexi Thompson)等等。
AJGA PBE积星系统 (AJGA PBE Status)是AJGA的官方积分系统,是向大学高尔夫成长的基石。AJGA PBE积星是一名球员有机会获取大学高尔夫奖学金的主要催化剂,因此,普遍认为AJGA PBE积星是世界上最有价值的青少年高尔夫积分,每年都会有数千名青少年高尔夫球员家庭到美国为AJGA PBE积星而战。
更多关于AJGA PBE积星请登录 了解。
每个JGTA赛季末,JGTA JOM排名前60的青少年球员(30名男子球员,30名女子球员)将获得AJGA PBE星星积分。球员从JOM中获得的AJGA PBE积星将被添加到他们的AJGA 会员档案的 PBE 积星总数中,并可用于AJGA赛事的申请和获得进入更高级别的AJGA赛事的资格,这些赛事是大学教练以此作为挑选和录取未来大学校队队员的参考渠道。
根据JGTA赛季末JOM总排名,球员有机会被奖励AJGA PBE积星,球员必须持有有效的AJGA会员资格。
以下表格阐述了球员可能从JOM赛季终排名获得的AJGA PBE积星。
1. 符合JGTA竞赛资格和标准。
2. 在JGTA.ORG注册并完成球员身份验证。
• JGTA和JOM要求参赛选手为业余球员。
• 球员须符合参加JGTA赛事时及JOM排名未满18周岁,并且当前赛季4月1日前未满19周岁。
• 球员必须符合参加JGTA赛事和JOM排名年龄不小于11周岁,并且当前赛季6月1日前年满12周岁。
• 进入大学的球员(无论年龄大小)将不再拥有JGTA竞赛资格、排名资格。
• 所有球员必须遵守JGTA和AJGA的行为准则,任何违反行为准则的球员将被取消JOM排名资格。
除了满足 JGTA 的比赛资格和标准,球员还必须在JGTA.ORG注册完成球员验证。
球员在JGTA.ORG上注册时,必须提供与报名提交至赛事组委会一致的个人信息,包括一致的邮箱。JGTA将审查球员注册资料,如审查通过,球员会收到最终确认邮件并且球员在JGTA.ORG的个人档案(Player HQ)同时会被激活。只有完成验证,球员才能获得积分和JOM排名。
• 对于每个JGTA积分认证的男子或女子年龄组,该组别必须有至少5名符合参赛资格的,并且成功在JGTA.ORG完成注册验证的球员完成所有的赛事轮数。如:男子16-18岁组别里需要有至少5名具备条件的、已完成认证的球员,球员完成所有比赛轮;女子16-18岁组别里需要有至少5名具备条件的、已完成认证的球员,球员完成所有比赛轮。符合以上条件的该年龄组球员才能获得当站比赛的JGTA积分。
• 除提前以书面形式申请经亚洲青少年高尔夫巡回赛(JGTA)同意外,球员在认证赛事里禁止使用球童和球车。球员需在每一轮自行背包。比杆赛里,违反上述规定的每洞需罚两杆,一轮中至多罚四杆。比杆赛里,使用未经许可的球童或球车需立即停止比赛直到判定处罚是否发生,否则,该球员取消资格。
• 赛事需要遵从AJGA规则,美国高尔夫球协会和R&A规则。
• 适用于当地规则:不允许使用双标准杆封顶规则;球员不允许在球出界的最近点抛球补救或承认球遗失以罚2杆来补救。
The JGTA announced the sanctioning of PGA Junior Series-China, it will begin awarding Merit Points to all eligible and verified participants of the PGA Junior Series–China events, from its third qualifier in 2021, giving the players the opportunity to be ranked on the Junior Order of Merit (JOM), and the chance at earning AJGA PBE status.
PGA Junior Series-China offers players guidline of player verification on Former JGTA members are not required for player verification.
Sign up for PGA Junior Series-China.
Players must complete verification no later than 48 hours following the final round of the tournament to receive Merit Points for their finish, or shall not be ranked on JOM.
The committee shall upload each tournament results to the JGTA.
For an opportunity to earn AJGA PBE Status from Junior Order of Merit in the JGTA season ending, player must hold an active AJGA membership.
The first stop of PGA Junior Series-China 2022 will be held at Huizhou Palm Island Resort on February 26 and 27. Players are welcome to sign up and win more points!
Scan to sign up
The Junior Golf Tour of Asia (JGTA)is the sanctioning and governing body for competitive junior golf tournaments in the Asia-Pacific that award American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) Performance Based Entry (PBE) Status.
The JGTA was established in Singapore in 2017 to provide junior golfers in the Asia-Pacific with local playing opportunities to hone their skills at the highest level of competition and pursue U.S. College golf opportunities. Each year, the JGTA organizes and sanctions an official schedule of events in the Asia-Pacific for its membership base of elite junior golfers in over a dozen countries.
The JGTA’s mission is to develop junior golfers into successful Collegiate athletes and future champions of the game. The JGTA is committed to in upholding the mission, values, standards, and principles of the AJGA, in addition to following the rules and policies of the AJGA and its PBE system.
The Junior Order of Merit is the official points-based ranking system of the JGTA and the source for AJGA PBE Status in the Asia-Pacific.
The Junior Order of Merit comprises of two divisions: Overall Boys and Overall Girls. By competing in JGTA-sanctioned events, eligible participants are awarded Merit Points, which count towards their ranking on the Junior Order of Merit. The number of Merit Points a player may earn depends on his or her finish in the JGTA-sanctioned event. Players are then ranked on the Junior Order of Merit on an ‘cumulative average points per tournament basis’.
Important Reminder
• All starts in tournaments that are sanctioned by the JGTA will count towards a player’s ranking. Any withdrawals or disqualifications will count as a tournament played once a player begins a tournament.
• During the JGTA season, the Junior Order of Merit rankings are updated each week.
The AJGA is a 501(c) non-profit organization, that is dedicated to the overall growth and development of young men and women who aspire to earn college golf scholarships through competitive junior golf. Founded in 1978, the AJGA has grown into a global enterprise with over 7,000 junior members hailing from 60 countries. Widely recognized as the world’s gold standard of junior golf, the AJGA consistently produces the most successful golfers at the amateur, College and professional level.
More than 300 AJGA alumni play on the PGA and LPGA Tours, having earned more than 900 Tour victories. Among these alumni are Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson, Jordan Spieth, Justin Thomas, Inbee Park, Morgan Pressel, Lexi Thompson and more. For more info:
AJGA Performance Based Entry (PBE) Status is the official status system of the AJGA and a fundamental building block of college golf development. A player’s AJGA PBE Status can be a major catalyst in his or her probability of earning a college golf scholarship. For this reason, AJGA PBE is widely considered the most valuable junior golf status worldwide, with thousands of junior golf families competing for AJGA PBE Status each year. For more info:
The top 60 juniors (30 boys and 30 girls) on the Junior Order of Merit are awarded AJGA PBE Status according to their ranking at the end of each JGTA season. The amount of AJGA PBE Status a player earns from the Junior Order of Merit is then added to their total AJGA PBE Status and can be utilized for AJGA tournament applications and to gain entry into higher-level AJGA events where college golf coaches conduct recruiting activities.
For an opportunity to earn AJGA PBE Status from Junior Order of Merit, player must hold an active AJGA membership.
The table below shows the AJGA PBE Status players may earn for their final ranking on the Junior Order of Merit.
A core belief of the JGTA is that the growth of the game and the advancement of the next generation of prominent golfers depend on fair and competitive tournament entry policies that adhere to competitive eligibility criteria.
Therefore, for a player to be considered eligible for Junior Order of Merit ranking, the player must:
1.Meet the JGTA’s competitive eligibility criteria.
2.Complete player verification by registering on JGTA.ORG.
• The JGTA and the Junior Order of Merit is reserved for amateur golfers.
• Players must be no older than 18 years of age to compete in JGTA events and ranked on the Junior Order of Merit, so long as the player does not turn 19 prior to April 1 of the current JGTA season.
• Players must be no younger than 11 years of age to compete in JGTA events and ranked on the Junior Order of Merit, so long as the player will turn 12 years of age prior to June 1 following the current JGTA season.
• Once a player starts college, they are no longer eligible to compete in JGTA events or be ranked, regardless of age.
• All players are expected to adhere to the Code of Conduct Policy of the JGTA and AJGA. Players who violate either the JGTA’s or the AJGA’s Code of Conduct Policy may be deemed ineligible for Junior Order of Merit ranking.
Enforcing Proof of Age and Amateur Status
The JGTA emphasizes that all players must be an amateur in accordance with the rules of amateur status as approved by the R&A Rules Limited and the United States Golf Association. In addition, players must not have graduated high school as of January 1 of the current season.
Per the discretion of the Tour Committee, an official investigation into a player’s amateur status may be conducted by the JGTA at any time.
In addition to meeting the competitive eligibility criteria of the JGTA, players must also complete verification by registering on JGTA.ORG.
For a player to be verified, he or she must complete registration with the same info,e.g. email they provided to the tournament organizers of the Sanctioned Event. The JGTA will inspect all verification forms submitted on JGTA.ORG to ensure only genuine users who can be verified as actual participants in Sanctioned Events will have their results recognized and be ranking on the Junior Order of Merit.When verification completed, player will receive a confirmation email from the JGTA, and their Player HQ on JGTA.ORG will be activated at the same time.Former JGTA members are not required for player verification.
48-Hour Deadline
Players may complete verification on the JGTA website at any time prior to the event. However, players must complete verification no later than 48 hours following the final round of the tournament to receive Merit Points for their finish.
• For a specific boys or girls age division to be sanctioned, the division must have a minimum of five (5) eligible and verified players competing in all tournament rounds. For example, a minimum of 5 eligible and verified boys would be required in the boys 16-18 age division, while a minimum of 5 eligible and verified girls would be required in the girls 16-18 age division.
• Except with prior written approval by the JGTA, players are prohibited from using caddies or golf carts during competition in Sanctioned Events. Players are responsible for carrying their own bag during each competitive round. In stroke play, the penalty for breach of this rule is two strokes per hole, with a maximum of four strokes per round. In stroke play, the use of any unauthorized caddie or golf cart shall be discontinued immediately upon discovering that a breach has occurred. Otherwise, the player shall be disqualified.
• The tournament should be governed by the AJGA Hard Card, USGA or R&A Rules.
• Pertaining to Local Rules: no double par pick up shall be permitted; players shall not be permitted to choose between a drop at the nearest point for OB or concede of a lost ball for a 2-shot penalty.
李老师 Brook Li:+86 13692137573
黄老师 Min Huang:+86 13632612493
Be the Next Champion
以及积累AJGA PBE积星的流程:
根据JGTA赛季末JOM总排名,球员有机会获得AJGA PBE积星状态,球员必须持有有效的AJGA会员卡。
亚洲青少年高尔夫巡回赛(JGTA)是AJGA(美国青少年高尔夫协会) PBE积星系统在亚太地区的核署及管理机构。
JGTA的使命是帮助发展青少年高尔夫球员成为成功的大学高尔夫运动员以及未来的赛事冠军。除了遵守AJGA 及AJGA PBE积星系统的规则和政策外,JGTA还致力于维护AJGA的使命、价值观、标准和原则。
Junior Order of Merit(简称“JOM”)是JGTA官方积分排名系统,也是亚太地区获得AJGA PBE积星的官方渠道。
• 所有参加JGTA认证赛事的球员都将计入排名,一旦开赛,即使中途退赛或取消资格也将按计算为一场已参加的比赛。
• JGTA赛季期间,JOM排名每周更新一次。
至今,超过300名AJGA的前会员活跃于美巡和LPGA巡回赛场,获得超过900个巡回赛冠军。AJGA著名前会员包括著名球员泰格·伍兹 (Tiger Woods)、菲尔·米克尔森 (Phil Mickelson)、乔丹·斯皮思 (Jordan Spieth)、贾斯汀·托马斯 (Justin Thomas)、朴仁妃 (Inbee Park)、摩根·普雷塞尔 (Morgan Pressel)、莱西·汤普森 (Lexi Thompson)等等。
AJGA PBE积星系统 (AJGA PBE Status)是AJGA的官方积分系统,是向大学高尔夫成长的基石。AJGA PBE积星是一名球员有机会获取大学高尔夫奖学金的主要催化剂,因此,普遍认为AJGA PBE积星是世界上最有价值的青少年高尔夫积分,每年都会有数千名青少年高尔夫球员家庭到美国为AJGA PBE积星而战。
更多关于AJGA PBE积星请登录 了解。
每个JGTA赛季末,JGTA JOM排名前60的青少年球员(30名男子球员,30名女子球员)将获得AJGA PBE星星积分。球员从JOM中获得的AJGA PBE积星将被添加到他们的AJGA 会员档案的 PBE 积星总数中,并可用于AJGA赛事的申请和获得进入更高级别的AJGA赛事的资格,这些赛事是大学教练以此作为挑选和录取未来大学校队队员的参考渠道。
根据JGTA赛季末JOM总排名,球员有机会被奖励AJGA PBE积星,球员必须持有有效的AJGA会员资格。
以下表格阐述了球员可能从JOM赛季终排名获得的AJGA PBE积星。
男子组 | |
排名 | AJGA PBE 积星 |
第 1-5 名 | 全卡 |
第 6-10 名 | 12积星 |
第 11-20 名 | 8积星 |
第 21-30 名 | 4积星 |
女子组 | |
排名 | AJGA PBE 积星 |
第 1-5 名 | 全卡 |
第 6-10 名 | 12积星 |
第 11-20 名 | 8积星 |
第 21-30 名 | 4积星 |
1. 符合JGTA竞赛资格和标准。
2. 在JGTA.ORG注册并完成球员身份验证。
• JGTA和JOM要求参赛选手为业余球员。
• 球员须符合参加JGTA赛事时及JOM排名未满18周岁,并且当前赛季4月1日前未满19周岁。
• 球员必须符合参加JGTA赛事和JOM排名年龄不小于11周岁,并且当前赛季6月1日前年满12周岁。
• 进入大学的球员(无论年龄大小)将不再拥有JGTA竞赛资格、排名资格。
• 所有球员必须遵守JGTA和AJGA的行为准则,任何违反行为准则的球员将被取消JOM排名资格。
除了满足 JGTA 的比赛资格和标准,球员还必须在JGTA.ORG注册完成球员验证。
球员在JGTA.ORG上注册时,必须提供与报名提交至赛事组委会一致的个人信息,包括一致的邮箱。JGTA将审查球员注册资料,如审查通过,球员会收到最终确认邮件并且球员在JGTA.ORG的个人档案(Player HQ)同时会被激活。只有完成验证,球员才能获得积分和JOM排名。
• 对于每个JGTA积分认证的男子或女子年龄组,该组别必须有至少5名符合参赛资格的,并且成功在JGTA.ORG完成注册验证的球员完成所有的赛事轮数。如:男子16-18岁组别里需要有至少5名具备条件的、已完成认证的球员,球员完成所有比赛轮;女子16-18岁组别里需要有至少5名具备条件的、已完成认证的球员,球员完成所有比赛轮。符合以上条件的该年龄组球员才能获得当站比赛的JGTA积分。
• 除提前以书面形式申请经亚洲青少年高尔夫巡回赛(JGTA)同意外,球员在认证赛事里禁止使用球童和球车。球员需在每一轮自行背包。比杆赛里,违反上述规定的每洞需罚两杆,一轮中至多罚四杆。比杆赛里,使用未经许可的球童或球车需立即停止比赛直到判定处罚是否发生,否则,该球员取消资格。
• 赛事需要遵从AJGA规则,美国高尔夫球协会和R&A规则。
• 适用于当地规则:不允许使用双标准杆封顶规则;球员不允许在球出界的最近点抛球补救或承认球遗失以罚2杆来补救。
The JGTA announced the sanctioning of PGA Junior Series-China, it will begin awarding Merit Points to all eligible and verified participants of the PGA Junior Series–China events, from its third qualifier in 2021, giving the players the opportunity to be ranked on the Junior Order of Merit (JOM), and the chance at earning AJGA PBE status.
Process for Players to Be Ranked
on the JOM And Get the Chance
at Earning AJGA PBE Status By Competing
in PGA Junior Series-China:
PGA Junior Series-China offers players guidline of player verification on Former JGTA members are not required for player verification.
Sign up for PGA Junior Series-China.
Players must complete verification no later than 48 hours following the final round of the tournament to receive Merit Points for their finish, or shall not be ranked on JOM.
The committee shall upload each tournament results to the JGTA.
For an opportunity to earn AJGA PBE Status from Junior Order of Merit in the JGTA season ending, player must hold an active AJGA membership.
The first stop of PGA Junior Series-China 2022 will be held at Huizhou Palm Island Resort on February 26 and 27. Players are welcome to sign up and win more points!
Scan to sign up
The Junior Golf
Tour of Asia
The Junior Golf Tour of Asia (JGTA)is the sanctioning and governing body for competitive junior golf tournaments in the Asia-Pacific that award American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) Performance Based Entry (PBE) Status.
The JGTA was established in Singapore in 2017 to provide junior golfers in the Asia-Pacific with local playing opportunities to hone their skills at the highest level of competition and pursue U.S. College golf opportunities. Each year, the JGTA organizes and sanctions an official schedule of events in the Asia-Pacific for its membership base of elite junior golfers in over a dozen countries.
The JGTA’s mission is to develop junior golfers into successful Collegiate athletes and future champions of the game. The JGTA is committed to in upholding the mission, values, standards, and principles of the AJGA, in addition to following the rules and policies of the AJGA and its PBE system.
The Junior Order of Merit is the official points-based ranking system of the JGTA and the source for AJGA PBE Status in the Asia-Pacific.
The Junior Order of Merit comprises of two divisions: Overall Boys and Overall Girls. By competing in JGTA-sanctioned events, eligible participants are awarded Merit Points, which count towards their ranking on the Junior Order of Merit. The number of Merit Points a player may earn depends on his or her finish in the JGTA-sanctioned event. Players are then ranked on the Junior Order of Merit on an ‘cumulative average points per tournament basis’.
Junior Order of Merit rankings are calculated on a per-season cycle, meaning all players’ rankings are reset at the beginning of each new season.
To calculate a player’s average points per tournament, a minimum divisor of two (2) is applied to the player’s total merit points earned. The purpose of the divisor is to ensure players are adequately validating their competitive standing with sufficient tournament results.
After a player has competed in his or her third JGTA-sanctioned event of the season, the divisor for that player will revert to the number of events in which he or she have played competed during the current season.
For clarity, a player may still be ranked on the Junior Order of Merit even if they have only played in a single event, however they must play in at least two tournaments to receive the full value for each performance.
Important Reminder
• All starts in tournaments that are sanctioned by the JGTA will count towards a player’s ranking. Any withdrawals or disqualifications will count as a tournament played once a player begins a tournament.
• During the JGTA season, the Junior Order of Merit rankings are updated each week.
The AJGA is a 501(c) non-profit organization, that is dedicated to the overall growth and development of young men and women who aspire to earn college golf scholarships through competitive junior golf. Founded in 1978, the AJGA has grown into a global enterprise with over 7,000 junior members hailing from 60 countries. Widely recognized as the world’s gold standard of junior golf, the AJGA consistently produces the most successful golfers at the amateur, College and professional level.
More than 300 AJGA alumni play on the PGA and LPGA Tours, having earned more than 900 Tour victories. Among these alumni are Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson, Jordan Spieth, Justin Thomas, Inbee Park, Morgan Pressel, Lexi Thompson and more. For more info:
AJGA Performance Based Entry (PBE) Status is the official status system of the AJGA and a fundamental building block of college golf development. A player’s AJGA PBE Status can be a major catalyst in his or her probability of earning a college golf scholarship. For this reason, AJGA PBE is widely considered the most valuable junior golf status worldwide, with thousands of junior golf families competing for AJGA PBE Status each year. For more info:
The top 60 juniors (30 boys and 30 girls) on the Junior Order of Merit are awarded AJGA PBE Status according to their ranking at the end of each JGTA season. The amount of AJGA PBE Status a player earns from the Junior Order of Merit is then added to their total AJGA PBE Status and can be utilized for AJGA tournament applications and to gain entry into higher-level AJGA events where college golf coaches conduct recruiting activities.
For an opportunity to earn AJGA PBE Status from Junior Order of Merit, player must hold an active AJGA membership.
The table below shows the AJGA PBE Status players may earn for their final ranking on the Junior Order of Merit.
AJGA PBE Status awarded per final
ranking on the JGTA Junior Order of Merit
Boys Division | |
1-5 | Fully Exempt |
6-10 | 12 Stars |
11-20 | 8 Stars |
21-30 | 4 Stars |
Girls Division | |
1-5 | Fully Exempt |
6-10 | 12 Stars |
11-20 | 8 Stars |
21-30 | 4 Stars |
A core belief of the JGTA is that the growth of the game and the advancement of the next generation of prominent golfers depend on fair and competitive tournament entry policies that adhere to competitive eligibility criteria.
Therefore, for a player to be considered eligible for Junior Order of Merit ranking, the player must:
1.Meet the JGTA’s competitive eligibility criteria.
2.Complete player verification by registering on JGTA.ORG.
• The JGTA and the Junior Order of Merit is reserved for amateur golfers.
• Players must be no older than 18 years of age to compete in JGTA events and ranked on the Junior Order of Merit, so long as the player does not turn 19 prior to April 1 of the current JGTA season.
• Players must be no younger than 11 years of age to compete in JGTA events and ranked on the Junior Order of Merit, so long as the player will turn 12 years of age prior to June 1 following the current JGTA season.
• Once a player starts college, they are no longer eligible to compete in JGTA events or be ranked, regardless of age.
• All players are expected to adhere to the Code of Conduct Policy of the JGTA and AJGA. Players who violate either the JGTA’s or the AJGA’s Code of Conduct Policy may be deemed ineligible for Junior Order of Merit ranking.
Enforcing Proof of Age and Amateur Status
The JGTA emphasizes that all players must be an amateur in accordance with the rules of amateur status as approved by the R&A Rules Limited and the United States Golf Association. In addition, players must not have graduated high school as of January 1 of the current season.
Per the discretion of the Tour Committee, an official investigation into a player’s amateur status may be conducted by the JGTA at any time.
In addition to meeting the competitive eligibility criteria of the JGTA, players must also complete verification by registering on JGTA.ORG.
For a player to be verified, he or she must complete registration with the same info,e.g. email they provided to the tournament organizers of the Sanctioned Event. The JGTA will inspect all verification forms submitted on JGTA.ORG to ensure only genuine users who can be verified as actual participants in Sanctioned Events will have their results recognized and be ranking on the Junior Order of Merit.When verification completed, player will receive a confirmation email from the JGTA, and their Player HQ on JGTA.ORG will be activated at the same time.Former JGTA members are not required for player verification.
48-Hour Deadline
Players may complete verification on the JGTA website at any time prior to the event. However, players must complete verification no later than 48 hours following the final round of the tournament to receive Merit Points for their finish.
• For a specific boys or girls age division to be sanctioned, the division must have a minimum of five (5) eligible and verified players competing in all tournament rounds. For example, a minimum of 5 eligible and verified boys would be required in the boys 16-18 age division, while a minimum of 5 eligible and verified girls would be required in the girls 16-18 age division.
• Except with prior written approval by the JGTA, players are prohibited from using caddies or golf carts during competition in Sanctioned Events. Players are responsible for carrying their own bag during each competitive round. In stroke play, the penalty for breach of this rule is two strokes per hole, with a maximum of four strokes per round. In stroke play, the use of any unauthorized caddie or golf cart shall be discontinued immediately upon discovering that a breach has occurred. Otherwise, the player shall be disqualified.
• The tournament should be governed by the AJGA Hard Card, USGA or R&A Rules.
• Pertaining to Local Rules: no double par pick up shall be permitted; players shall not be permitted to choose between a drop at the nearest point for OB or concede of a lost ball for a 2-shot penalty.
李老师 Brook Li:+86 13692137573
黄老师 Min Huang:+86 13632612493
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