Exciting Drama on Mercedes Benz Final Training Day
6月11日, 2016梅赛德斯-奔驰青少年高尔夫城市训练营进入第二日,技能挑战赛上各路高手汇集,大显球威,精彩纷呈。经过激烈比赛,8名球手成功晋级下一站长白山比赛,恭喜他们,同时也祝他们挺进国际决赛,代表深圳赢得2017美国大师赛VIP现场观赛资格。
Saturday, 11th January marked Day 2 of the Mercedes Benz City Golf Training Camp. Following training yesterday, our young golfers today made final preparations for the skills challenge in the afternoon. A total of 8 people will advance to the next round of competition where they have the opportunity to win a VIP ticket to the 2017 Masters Tournament.
Although there was a few drops of rain in the cloudy morning, it was not enough to dampen the atmosphere. Most impressive was the juniors' attitude, concentration, and work ethic, training outdoors throughout the day in less-than perfect weather conditions.
Our amateur group saw a morning of training, learning the full-swing. This is a step up from the short-game training yesterday. Our 'Pro' group refined their short game skills prior to the afternoon skills challenges.
Afternoon activities provided a fresh challenge and a friendly competition for the young players. The challenges involved everything from the full swing, putting, and chipping.
We would like to thank all the juniors and parents, supporting the 2-day training at Mission Hills Golf Academies. We hope everyone had fun, made some new friends, and learned new things about golf during the training.
Please contact us if you have any interests in joining our Summer Camps running throughout July and August. They are sure to be fun and educational for juniors of all ages and skill level.