Family Fun Golf Day
观澜湖高尔夫在 2016年1月10日时,招待了20个家庭的教学。高尔夫学院总监(安迪•凯利)和3位高尔夫教练(吴文杰,山姆•格林,刘飞飞)一起做了两小时的高尔夫教学以及游戏。活动除了给每个家庭接触到了高尔夫基本要领,而且还有体验到了花式表演。我们也希望家长以及小朋友在观澜湖体验了高尔夫球后,把学到的知识用来提高兴趣。高尔夫球不只是一时的乐趣,学了之后可以跟着一辈子。我们也再次欢迎各个家庭再来高尔夫学院体验更多高尔夫的乐趣,希望2016年能带来更多欢乐的时光。
On 10 January, 2016, Mission Hills Golf Academies held a golf clinic for 20 families. The Director of Golf Academies (Andy Kelly) and 3 Mission Hills Golf Academies Instructors (Jason Wu, Sam Green, and Feifei Liu) helped both kids and adults for 2 hours with instruction and games. The instructors not only gave every family the fundamental knowledge of Golf, but also some golf trick shots. We wish that everyone that came to the Academies went home with the new golf knowledge to increase interests in the game of golf. Golf is not a one time game, but a game for life. We wish every family a Happy 2016, and may the new year bring more joy to each household. Mission Hills Golf Academies welcomes you!