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观澜湖与职业高尔夫协会PGA宣布续约MissionHillsRenewsPGAContract ...

2015/05/24 00:00:00

Mission Hills Renews PGA Contract
观澜湖与职业高尔夫协会PGA 宣布续约

Professional Golf Association of Great
Britain & Ireland

Over 7,500 British PGA Professionals currently work in more than 60 countries worldwide operating in over 50 different roles - from General Managers and Directors of Golf to High Performance Golf Coaches and many more. There are now nearly 60 British PGA Professionals employed in China, Mission Hills employing more than 10% with the demand as the largest integrated golf facility in the world.

目前,已有7,500 多名PGA 成员在全球60 多个国家工作,担任50
多种不同的角色从总经理,高球总监到高尔夫专业教练及其他多种职务。目前,在中国就业的PGA 成员已接近60 名,观澜湖就占了其10%以上,使之成为世界最大的综合性高尔夫圣地。

Formed in 1901, The PGA hasbeen a significant and responsible influence within the game of golf across the world for well over a century. Building on the strong foundations of the early Professionals, The PGA continues to play a key role in growing and promoting the game of golf on a global basis for the benefit of all.

PGA 成立于1901 年,这一个多世纪以来它对世界各地的高尔夫运动产生了重大深远的影响。由于早期高尔夫职业球员打下了牢固的基础,PGA 得以在以全球化为基础促进高尔夫球的发展中持续扮演至关重要的角色,造福各方。
Professional Golf Association of Great
Britain & Ireland
The origins of the PGA go back to Victorian times and the
work and dedication of three golfing pioneers: JH Taylor,
James Braid and Harry Vardon. Their desire was to raise the status of those men who earned their living from playing the game. Men who had worked their way up through the caddy ranks to become professional golfers. So it was that the PGA was founded in 1901 and The Professional Golfers Association is the oldest governing body in Professional golf.

PGA 协会的起源可以追溯到维多利亚时期三名伟大的高尔夫球先驱:约翰·泰勒,哈利·瓦登和詹姆斯·布雷德,他们最初的愿望是提高以打球为生的人的社会地位,那些排除艰难万险,从球童做到职业球员的人们。正因如此,英国职业高尔夫球协会(PGA)于1901 年正式成立,而它也成为职业高尔夫球界最古老的管理机构。大不列颠

(JH Taylor, Harry Vardon, and James Braid.

To this day, the Association focuses on supporting the PGA Professional throughout their career. The PGA seeks to recruit, train, support and retain the 'right PGA Professional in the right place at the right time'. The PGA also actively promotes the important contribution the PGA Professional makes to the growth and development of the game of golf around the world.

时至今日,PGA 协会主要致力于支持其会员的职业生涯发展,力图在“恰当的时间恰当的地点”招募、训练、支持以及保有“恰当的”会员。该协会的会员对全世界高尔夫运动的成长和发展作出了突出贡献,PGA 功不可没。

(Dongguan Center of Excellence, PGA Branded Academy.
PGA 学院东莞精英中心)

The PGA provides its' Members with a wide range of world
leading training and education programs, career development support and playing opportunities. As part of its' contribution to promoting the game of golf for all, The PGA works in partnership with a number of other organisations within the global golfing industry. By contributing expertise in areas such as coach education, business development and elite performance, The PGA plays an active role in growing the game for the future.

PGA 协会为其会员提供多种多样的世界领先级培育项目、职业发展支持及比赛机会。为了推动高尔夫的发展,PGA 协会与全球各地的众多高尔夫相关机构保持着良好的合作关系。同时它也在教练培训,商业推广和竞技表现等领域提供专业知识的支持,在促进未来的高尔夫发展上扮演了一个积极的角色。尔兰

The PGA is a strong and distinctive brand that is synonymous with the vision and values of the Association. The PGA brand represents honesty, integrity, innovation and leadership that is brought to life through the expertise of PGA Professionals and the staff employed to work on their behalf.

PGA 在高尔夫行业是一个极具影响力的独特品牌,正如同其愿景和
价值观一样。该协会会员及旗下的工作人员本着专业和严谨的态度,传达出PGA 的品牌理念 — 诚信,正直,创新和领袖。

The PGA is proud of its heritage and tradition and is
committed to acting as custodians of the traditions of golf
whilst also shaping the future of the game and raising the
global profile of the game of golf.

PGA 协会对其文化渊源引以为豪,致力于发扬优良的传统,并接受

Andy Kelly – Director of Golf Academies expressed “The PGA provides a great platform for Professionals to develop
themselves as individuals in the Industry. I feel very fortunate to have this excellent opportunity, combined with hard work and dedication has allowed me to travel the world and experience wonderful memories. I will never be able to repay the value that golf has given my life”.

Andy Kelly –观澜湖高尔夫学院总监表示:PGA 协会为其会员提供了一个非常良好的自我发展平台。能够成为PGA 协会的会员,我感到十分荣幸,是协会让我得到在全世界工作的机会,能够让我充分发挥自己的才能,并获得难忘的工作经验,高尔夫给予了我生命的色彩。
PGA Academy Brand
PGA 学院尔夫球协会
Mission Hills works closely with the PGA and hosts one of
only 8 prestigious branded academies around the globe.
After 3 successful years of cooperation Mission Hills have
furtherextended their partnership for the foreseeable future.

观澜湖与PGA 保持密切合作。在全球8 PGA 高尔夫学院中,观澜湖高尔夫学院就占了一席宝贵的地位。经过3 年的成功合作,观澜湖PGA 又展开了进一步深入的友好合作关系,为共创美好未来而努力。

The PGA Academy Brand is awarded to world class learning and education facilities. The brand is restricted to a well-defined geographical area providing the venue with powerful exclusivity and arenowned mark of quality. There is some thing for everyone from beginners to elite players at a PGA Golf Academy, thanks to exceptional teaching technologies and instructors whose skills and expertise are recognized at the highest level by the PGA.

PGA 高尔夫学院乃世界一流级的学习场地。PGA 品牌仅限于具有独特地理优势的高尔夫场所,需要兼具独特性和高品质性。PGA 高尔夫学院不仅拥有高科技的教学设备,而且配备着一支经过PGA 认证的专业教学团队,因此,无论是初学球手,亦或是精英球手,在PGA 高尔夫学院学习总能找到受益之处。

The 11 PGA Professionals at Mission Hills Golf Academies are setting the standard for golf instruction in China. Gaining momentum and recognition Mission Hills Golf Academies has now becomeone of the leading instruction facilities in the world.

观澜湖高尔夫学院的11 PGA 成员为中国的高尔夫教学树立了一个新路标。学院美誉远扬,随着它的蓬勃发展,观澜湖高尔夫学院现已成为世界顶尖学院之一。

“We are pleased to continue the relationship with the PGA at the Mission Hills Golf Academy Dongguan, 2 iconic brands coming together to develop the game of golf. Mission Hills Golf Academies are focused on leading by example and setting milestones in the industry along the way”.

“我们期待与观澜湖高尔夫学院保持长期合作关系,将PGA 与观澜湖东莞精英中心两个标志性品牌有效结合,进一步促进高尔夫的发展。观澜湖高尔夫学院一直致力于树立行业典范,在开创高尔夫行业里程碑的路上不懈努力。”

(Tenniel Chu, Vice Chairman of Mission Hills Group; and Guy Moran, Head of Property and Development for the PGA.
朱鼎耀,观澜湖集团副主席,盖伊·莫兰,PGA 资产管理发展首席)

(From left to right; back line: Andy Kelly, Mike Maloney, Iain Roberts,Matthew Davies. Front line: Tenniel Chu, Guy Moran

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