Dear Jinji Lake members,
Greetings from IMG ! I hope you and your families are safe and well. It has been a challenging start to 2020 due to the impact of Covid-19, but the situation is improving and our beautiful Gary Player designed golf course is in good condition. IMG has recently introduced a new General Manager to the club, Mr Gavin Eckford, and together with the Jinji Lake management team we will look for more ways to improve our services, and bring even more value to our members.You can expect to see new ideas from the Jinji Lake Golf Club team this year. We really appreciate your support, and look forward to a successful year in 2020.
Best regards,Paul
亲爱的各位会员 大家好,首先,我代表IMG祝愿各位会员和家人平安健康。2020年初,新冠肺炎疫情给大家的生活和工作造成了一定程度的影响,随着疫情的逐步控制,情况得到好转,球场的也逐渐恢复。在此,我们也非常荣幸, IMG管理公司的新任总经理高加文先生的加入,他将与金鸡湖高尔夫管理团队一起,为会员提供更为优质的会员专属服务。同时也非常感谢各位会员们对金鸡湖高尔夫的支持,让我们一同期待俱乐部的美好明天。 最诚挚的祝福保罗.伯利