Sandra Gal - LPGA Golf Professional
Andrew从2004年开始对我进行教学指导,那时我从欧洲来到佛罗里达大学并为他们的校队效力。在他的帮助下,我在2007年以欧洲第一和美国NCAA第四的成绩为我的业余高尔夫生涯画上完美句点,并成为美国队的一员。我在2007年底第一次参加LPGA比赛时获得了参赛资格,从那以后我就开始在LPGA赛场上征战。去年,我获得了我的第一次胜利, 成为世界排名前十名的选手,并且我开始为欧洲索尔海姆杯球队效力。到目前为止,今年我取得的最好成绩是在美国女子公开赛第三名。
I have worked with Andrew since 2004, when I came over from Europe to study at the University of Florida and to play for their team. With his support, I finished my amateur career in 2007 as the number one in Europe and the number four in the NCAA in the US, also being named member of the First Team All American. I have qualified for the LPGA during my first attempt at the end of 2007 and am playing on the LPGA since then. Last year, I carded my first win, a number of top ten placements and I was also playing for the victorious European Solheim Cup Team. This year, so far, my best placement was a 3rd place finish in the US Women’s Open.
Andrew is a very good and knowledgeable teacher. I value his opinion not only as a teacher, but also because he is a fantastic player and he can show me any shot I want to see.
Karine Icher - LPGA Professional
当我在2004年遇到Andrew Park时, 我还没有获得LPGA全卡。有了他的指导之后,我成为了一个更加稳定的球员。2005年至今,我在Andrew的帮助下征战LPGA巡回赛,同时不断向他学习高尔夫技巧。
When I met Andrew Park in 2004, I didn't have my full card on the LPGA tour.Since then, after having him on my side, I became a much more consistent player. I have played on the LPGA since 2005, and am still working and learning with him.
作为职业高尔夫运动员,我认为Andrew Park是世界上最好的高尔夫教练之一。
As a professional golfer, I consider Andrew Park as one of the best golf coaches in the world.
Jeong Jang - Ladies British Open Champion
教高尔夫球挥杆意味着改变或修正一些不适合每个人的东西。每个人的挥杆都有 “好” 和 “差” 的一面。在我高尔夫生涯的20年里,Andrew Park总能从我认为“不好”的挥杆中发现了“好”的一面。他给了我信心,使我再次相信自己。
Teaching the Golf swing means changing or fixing something that is not suited for everyone. Everybody has a "good" and " bad" side of their swing. For 20 years of my golf career, the part of my swing that I thought was "bad", actually Andrew Park found "good" from it. Therefore, giving me confidence in my swing and believing in myself again.
Kylie Pratt - LPGA Tour Caddie
我作为美国女子职业高尔夫球巡回赛的职业球童已经7年了,并服务过2名Andrew Park指导过的LPGA球员。他挥杆的技术知识非常出色,他在课上使用不同的分析工具协助指导球员。Andrew曾为许多女子美巡赛及美巡赛的选手指导,他的经验使他计划和制定长期的教学方法。
I have been a LPGA Tour caddie for 7 years and have worked with 2 LPGA Players that have been instructed by Andrew Park. His technical knowledge of the swing is outstanding, and he is able to use many different analysis tools to help guide his players through their lessons. Andrews has worked with numerous LPGA and PGA Tour players, and his experience allows him to plan and structure his teachings on a long term basis.
我现任韩国球员朴喜映的球童一职。自2011年1月以来她开始接受Andrew的指导,在这段时间里,她成为了一个更好的球员,并在 2011年11月CME 冠名的LPGA锦标赛中获得了首次胜利。我听了Andrew的许多课, 他讲解的方式不同国籍的学生都能够理解。我期待上他的课,他的指导也帮助我更好地协助朴喜映。
I am currently caddying for a Korean player Hee Young Park who has worked with Andrew since January 2011. During this time she has improved into a more consistent player, and she picked up her first win at the LPGA CME Titleholders Championship in November 2011. I have been present at many of Andrew's lessons and he communicates his teaching in a manner that any student of any nationality will be able to easily understand. I look forward to his lessons as his instructions also help me to become a better caddie for my golfer Hee Young Park.
Hee Young Park – LPGA Tour Winner
I met Andrew 2 years ago and every year I have improved. I started 30 on the money list ranking and moved to 12 last year which was my best year. During this time I also won my first LPGA event. I have a lot of confidence with him, and he motivates me with his advice and makes me mentally stronger in my game. Also when I can't see him at tournaments we email and talk on the phone and it has helped me become a more consistent golfer.
Sun Young Yoo - LPGA Major Winner
我从2009年开始接受Andrew的指导。就像其他人一样,我努力想为自己找到一个 “正确”的教练,自从我和Andrew合作以来, 我在2010的赛贝斯杯的比赛中赢得了我第一个LPGA冠军,然后我在2012年纳贝斯克锦标赛中也获得了第一次重大胜利。
I started to work with Andrew since 2009. Just like others, I was struggling to find the "right" teacher/coach for me, and ever since I worked with Andrew, I won my first LPGA win at 2010 Sybase Match Play, and my first major victory at 2012 Nabisco Championship.
很多事情都证明Andrew是一个好教练,他不仅用他的方式来解释高尔夫,还亲身展示高尔夫。同时运用听和看的方法能使我们对高尔夫有一个更好地理解。凭他在巡回赛中累积的高尔夫知识和经验,他绝对了解巡回赛选手在赛事中需要的和想要的。如果有人要求我推荐一个教练,我会毫不犹豫地说——Andrew Park。
There are many things to consider Andrew as a good coach. He does not only explain golf with his words, but also he demonstrates it in front of you. By hearing and watching at the same time, it helps to understand better. With his golf knowledge and experiences from tour, he definitely understands the wants and needs from the tour players. If anyone asks me to recommend a coach, without hesitation, I am going to say Andrew Park.