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[西丽] 【SALE折扣】HowToDressWarmlyForGolf|冬季防寒精品店给你支招 ...

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在线会员 发表于 2016-2-2 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Shenzhen is entering the coldest part of the year with light rain and low temperatures. 深圳已经进入到了一年当中最冷的时节,低温伴随着冷飕飕的小雨。
【SALE折扣】HowToDressWarmlyForGolf|冬季防寒精品店给你支招 ...

Dressing warmly for a round of golf in a cold weather is not easy. The key is being able to maintain the integrity of your golf swing while not succumbing to the elements. Wearing bulky clothes will impact the golfer negatively, so we must dress in layers to complete our round without freezing.在寒冷的天气里打高尔夫并穿着保暖并不是一件容易的事。关键是既要能足够暖和又不影响挥杆动作。我们都知道穿的很臃肿会对球手打球造成不利的影响。所以高尔夫球手们必须要巧妙地多层次穿衣才能既灵活挥杆又抵御寒冷。
By employing a few tricks, however, you can stay warm despite the cold weather.小编为会员朋友们整理了一些冬季高尔夫防寒的小贴士,快来看看吧!

Layering 层次This is an easy way to stay warmer without having to do much. An under-layer is a layer of clothing which goes under your normal clothing. This under-layer is light but heat-retaining and it will not weigh down a golfer or restrict his movement at the tee, on the fairway or on the green.不需要穿太多简单的几个层次就能搞定。首先你需要一件轻薄但是贴身保暖的打底衣,把它穿在最里层能很好的储存身体的热量而且对高尔夫球手来说并不会增加多少额外的重量,无论你在发球台、球道还是果岭都能够灵活的伸展。
【SALE折扣】HowToDressWarmlyForGolf|冬季防寒精品店给你支招 ...

Heat-retaining 保温Wear a lightweight, insulated sweater that keeps the wind off your back while still permitting free movement for all your golf swings, from drives to putts. A knitwear is a good option.接下来你需要一件不是太厚重的针织衫/毛衣,穿在外套和打底衣的之间能储存更多的热量并阻挡冷风的进入。轻薄的材质并不会影响到你的挥杆,从一号木开球到推杆进洞,一件保暖的针织衫是你御寒绝佳的选择。
【SALE折扣】HowToDressWarmlyForGolf|冬季防寒精品店给你支招 ...

waterproof 防水When you know there will be chances to get wet, it’s important to have a waterproof jacket and pants to stay warm. If the water penetrates through your clothing, your clothing will only make you colder. Should the sun come out during the round you can peel off the jacket for more comfort, then put them back on if conditions worsen.当你知道有可能会下雨就一定要准备一套防水的外套和裤子。因为如果雨水把你的衣服打湿,不管你穿多少件衣服你只会感到更加寒冷。一件防风防水的外套穿脱方便,太阳出来时就可以脱下放在球车上,天气变得糟糕时又能及时穿上。
【SALE折扣】HowToDressWarmlyForGolf|冬季防寒精品店给你支招 ...

Hat 帽子Wear a warm hat to keep the heat in your head from escaping. A hat is one of the greatest pieces of protection a golfer can wear in cold weather because 90 percent of your body heat will escape through your head. A wool cap will not interfere with your game and it will keep you warm.最后的一个防寒秘诀就是一顶保暖的毛线帽子,它可以防止身体的热量从头顶散出。帽子是高尔夫球手们冬季御寒最好的装备之一。因为人体90%的热量会通过头顶发散,帽子既保暖又完全不会影响高尔夫球手的挥杆。
【SALE折扣】HowToDressWarmlyForGolf|冬季防寒精品店给你支招 ...

Make sure you are warm and dry otherwise your round will not be enjoyable. Good News is Xili Golf and Country Club's Pro Shop presents a special selection of winter gear for all the members. 各位会员朋友在寒冷的天气打高尔夫一定要注意保暖噢,不然这场球可不会打得很舒心。告诉大家个好消息,球会精品店为会员们奉上特别甄选的冬季防寒装备。
Winter gear sale at the Pro Shop is up to 50% OFF. Don't miss it !精品店冬季服装最高会员可享五折优惠,千万别错过!
【SALE折扣】HowToDressWarmlyForGolf|冬季防寒精品店给你支招 ...

Keep warm and we look forward to seeing you all at the club.天气寒冷,注意保暖! 我们期待在球会见到您!

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