人们应该多吃应季食材,而非反季节食材。这样做不仅是因为当季的食材更新鲜美味,而且更重要的是大部分应季食物更适合该季节人们身体的需要。例如夏天的水果正因为人体需要而具有更多的水分。Food that's in season not only tastes better, but may contain ingredients that suit the body's needs for that time of year, such as summer fruits with their high fluid content.
秋天是寒冷季节的开始,天气越来越凉爽和干燥。不少体质虚弱人群容易出现感冒、咳嗽、过敏等换季的不适症状。我们的皮肤也会变得干燥和粗糙。和天气一样我们的身体正经历着一个过渡期。As autumn approaches, we can sense the much cooler breeze in the air. It marks the beginning of the cold season, which is why a lot of people suffer from bouts of cold and cough and different types of allergies. Your skin will also feel extremely dry and lifeless. It is a time of transition.
然而很多秋季的美味蔬果,不仅吃起来非常可口而且还可以帮助我们舒缓心情,增强免疫力。让我们的身体在冬天来临前做好准备。However, autumn also offers a treat for your taste buds as a vast variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables rich in nutrients and phytochemicals that wil not only delight your senses but wil also build your immunity and prepare you for the cold season.
小编就为大家整理了9 款对健康有益的秋季水果蔬菜。Here’s a list of the top 9 best superfood for Autumn.
苹果Apple富含抗氧化剂 Full of antioxidants
每个苹果约含膳食纤维4g4 grams of dietary fiber per serving
花椰菜cauliflower能够预防癌症Compounds that may help to prevent cancer
植物营养素能够降低胆固醇Phytonutrients may lower cholesterol
Excellent source of vitamin C
梨Pear富含维生素C和铜Good source of vitamin C and copper
每个梨子约含膳食纤维4g4 grams of fiber per serving
南瓜Pumpkin富含钾Rich in potassium
提供大于20%的每日推荐摄入量(DRI )的膳食纤维More than 20% of your DRI of fiber
富含B族维生素Good source of B vitamins5
石榴Pomegranates加州大学洛杉矶分校的一项研究显示:石榴汁比红葡萄酒含有更多的抗氧化剂A UCLA study showed pomegranate juice has higher antioxidant levels than red wine
富含维生素C和叶酸Good source of vitamin C and folate
番薯Sweet Photos富含维生素AExcellent source of vitamin A
富含铁Good source of iron
利于抗炎Anti-inflammatory benefits
奇异果Kiwi furit比橙子的维生素含量更多More vitamin C than an orange
Good source of potassium and copper8
白萝卜White radish富含钾Rich in potassium
富含膳食纤维Good source of fiber9
西柚Grapefruit含有超过75 %的每日推荐摄入量(DRI )的维生素CMore than 75% of your daily recommended intake (DRI) of vitamin C
富含番茄红素Good source of lycopene
含有果胶,能降低胆固醇Contains pectin, which has been shown to lower cholesterol
以上介绍的都是秋季丰收的食材,不但鲜美且健康,这些新鲜蔬果中的营养成分能帮助人体提高免疫力,为身体储藏能量。Different autumn foods mentioned above are warming in nature, not only taste good but also boost your immune system and keep you warm and comfortable.
那么就千万不要错过球会中餐和西餐用这些新鲜的当季食材为会员们准备的美味佳肴和健康饮品。在酣畅的高尔夫运动之后,尽情地享用俱乐部为您提供的健康的秋天味道。Finally do not miss the chance to enjoy the seasonal food and beverage featured at the club restaurant. After a round of great golf, it is a delight to enjoy the healthy and delicious food of the lovely season.