最快乐、最放松的暑期来了!让我们一起伸手触及白云、蓝天,脚下踏着青草绿地,来球场运动一下吧!还等什么,快点加入我们,挥动你的球杆,挥洒你的汗水,在正中与高球的小伙伴们来一场“高球少年”的追FUN比赛吧!Summer is coming! Let’s go out with GOLF to do some exercise! Just join us! Wave your club and enjoy the sweat, You will be the next golf star!
正中青少年高球系列活动高球少年追“FUN”挑战赛Golf Juvenile Activities活动详情EVENT DETAILS
时 间 | 7月31日(周日)签 到 | 11:00-12:00 赛事大厅高球礼仪讲堂 | 12:10—12:30 湖畔广场开球仪式 | 12:40 湖畔广场高球活动 | 12:50-17:30 B场晚 宴 | 18:30-20:00 会所总统房
Date | 31st July(Sunday)Registration | 11:00 a.m.--12:00 p.m.Lecture | 12:10 p.m.--12:30 p.m.
Time | 12:50 p.m.--5:30 p.m.Course B
Banquet | 6:30 p.m. President room
邀请对象 | 会员及子女 会员及子女嘉宾 正中练习场会员与子女(16岁以下)
Invited | Members and Members’guests Driving range members and their children
费用(含晚餐) | 会员580元/位 会员嘉宾以及练习场会员1300元/位人 数 | 60人备 注 | 每位会员可邀请三位嘉宾报名电话 | 84845666报名截止 | 7月30日 12:00
Costs | 580 per member 1300 per guest and driving range membersNumbers of participants | 60 (Each member can invite three guests)Hotline | 84845666
Deadline | 30th July 12:00 p.m.
小贴士| 报名时请提交孩子的年纪以及高球差点;| 晚宴如邀请家人参加(200 元/位)请在报名时告知;| 准时参加高球讲堂和开球仪式的每位小球友将参与评比正中“高球礼仪小绅士(淑女)”
| 因名额有限,烦请提前预约,感谢配合。 Tips:| Please submit the child's age and golf handicap;| You can invite friends to attend the dinner party(¥200 per person);| Please make appointment in advance,thank you!