B场果岭养护作业The green maintenance为了保证2016深圳国际赛期间的球场品质,球会对A场进行了长时间的草坪养护工作,在此期间,为了保证会员的打球活动,B场一直处于开放状态。
- 5月30日(周一)后九封场,5月31日(周二)前九封场;
- 我们将根据作业进展需要,安排周三、周四B场是否继续封场;
- 下周A场全周开放。
感谢您的理解和配合,祝您打球愉快! In the next week, the hollowtine aeration and top-dressing will be carried on course B,back nine on Monday and front nine on Tuesday.We will according to the work progress to decide whether to continue the closure on Wednesday and Thursday.Course A will be open during the next week.Thanks for your cooperation,hope you have a nice golfing time!