Golf Workshop

[利百特高尔夫学院] 【利百特◆教学】A-Swing,让挥杆更加潇洒

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在线会员 发表于 2015-9-22 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Teachers in all fields and disciplines, myself included, know from experience that the ancient Roman philosopher Seneca’s statement, “When we teach, we learn,” generally holds true. It is with this in mind that I’d like to share with you some of the things I’ve learned and observed in teaching and talking about the A Swing all around the world since the book’s publication in May.
相信凡是老师,包括我自己,都明白教学相长的道理,这句话来自古罗马哲学家Seneca(塞内加),也是受到这句话的启发,我想与大家分享一些在我的教学以及在讲解5月发售的新书The A Swing过程中所思考的一些问题。

First, it pleases me greatly to hear that so many golfers find the A Swing both easy to understand (“I get it,” is how they put it) and natural to execute. In fact, I had anticipated more people telling me that their first foray into the swing would feel unnatural, as anything new tends to do.
So what explains this?


In watching and speaking with many golfers in their early A Swing developmental stage, I’ve observed over and over again how the swing’s V plane shift from steep to shallow through the transition from backswing to downswing infuses these golfers with the very real sensations of liveliness, lightness, effortless speed and flow. Conventional swings find the golf club moving straight up the plane to the top, then, necessarily, pausing momentarily before the change of its direction down, and moment of inertia this establishes requires golfers to apply an additional and new force to their initial move into the ball. The A Swing’s V-plane shift, on the other hand, finds the club moving continually in a slight but distinctively circular manner, so there is no pause at the top, and no extra energy required (and wasted) to get the downswing initiated. In a sense, the A Swing’s backswing builds in automatically a smooth and seamless A Swing’s downswing, and this explains to a degree the natural way the swing feels to golfers.
在观察过众多高尔夫球手训练A-Swing的初级阶段,以及在与他们的交谈中,我不止一次地发现在上下杆的过渡部分即由陡到平的V形平面是如何以让这些球手真切地感受到挥杆的活力、轻松自如与流畅感。在传统的挥杆中,球杆陡立地挥到顶点位置,然后不可避免地在改变方向下杆之前暂停片刻,由于惯性的作用,球手会再次发力来启动下杆。而挥杆V平面的转变则会让球杆以一种特有的弧形运动轨迹持续的挥动,因此,球杆在顶点没有停顿,球手也无需额外加力,浪费力量来启动下杆。也就是说,A Swing的上杆很自然地连接了下杆,使得整个挥杆“天衣无缝”这也在一定程度上说明了为什么球手会有上手自然的感觉。


Many golfers have also said that even the swing’s “Prayer Grip,” (above) with its stronger left hand and weaker (than conventionally taught) right hand feels natural and good to them right away. Now this makes sense to me,  as the Prayer Grip plays a major role in facilitating, again, the V Plane’s transitional phase motion from backswing to downswing.

Adjust your hand positions so the left is rotated to the right on the grip (strong position) and the right is rotated to the left (weak position). The thumbs should be on opposite sides of the handle. You can interlock the right pinkie or overlap it.


Many older men and women have told me how much they enjoy the A Swing, which I think is largely because of its the short arm swing and efficient core-controlled pivot (above). This combination results in a compact action that not only doesn’t require the excessive body motion and arm width stretch of some of the other swings taught today, but by design eliminates it. No wonder many older golfers tell me they find the A Swing less stressful on their bodies when compared to their previous swings.



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