Golf Workshop

[金鸡湖国际] 来自新任总经理的问候--高加文先生

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在线会员 发表于 2020-3-20 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


     尊敬的各位会员,大家好!我是高加文(Gavin Eckford),来自加拿大温哥华,作为IMG国际管理集团委派,金鸡湖酒店集团任命的金鸡湖高尔夫新任总经理,倍感荣幸!和高尔夫结缘,那是在我15岁时的时候,与我的一位挚友有关。在泰格·伍兹出名之前,高尔夫这项运动还未盛行,但是近些年,因为泰格·伍兹的影响,越来越多的孩子开始了解高尔夫这项运动。我第一次在高尔夫球场工作那时才16岁,很确幸25年后我仍然在高尔夫领域工作着。Originally from Vancouver, Canada, I started playing golf when I was 15 years old thanks to a friend who had already fallen in love with the game. It was before Tiger Woods came along so it wasn’t that popular with young people at the time but now, thanks to Tiger, more and more kids have gotten involved with golf over the years. I started working at a golf course when I was 16 years old and 25 years later, I am very lucky to still be in the golf industry.

    大学时期,我学的专业是高尔夫管理, 2001年毕业后转为职业选手。我第一个工作的球场是加拿大惠斯勒非常有名的高尔夫俱乐部——尼克劳斯北高尔夫球场,由享誉世界的高尔夫界传奇人物杰克·尼克劳斯设计完成。我在尼克劳斯北高尔夫球场工作10年,积累和学习了很多高尔夫经验以及其他领域的工作经验,例如:运营、餐饮和财务。同时,我也在英国伦敦的高尔夫俱乐部工作了两年。In college, I studied Professional Golf Management and turn professional when I graduated in 2001. I started working at a golf course in Whistler, Canada called Nicklaus North Golf Course, designed by Gary Player’s greatest rival, Jack Nicklaus. I spent 10 years at Nicklaus North and I was able to gain a lot of experience playing golf, teaching golf, and working in other departments such as operations, F&B, and accounting. I also spent 2 years in London, England at a golf club managing the golf operations.

   2012年至2017年间,我有幸成为上海佘山高尔夫俱乐部高尔夫总监(WGC-HSBC冠军赛举办地)。那是一座很棒的球场,非常优秀,我很自豪也很荣幸。直至2017年底,我辗转北京,担任瑞伍德松林谷高尔夫俱乐部(华彬)的总经理,兼任盛开体育高尔夫事业部总经理,负责PGA中国区巡回赛。In early 2012, I had an opportunity to become the Director of Golf at Shanghai Sheshan Golf Club, home of the WGC-HSBC Champions, where I stayed for almost 6 years. It is a great golf course and a great club so I was very lucky to have that opportunity. Near the end of 2017, I moved on to Beijing Reignwood Pine Valley Golf Club (Huabin) as General Manager and eventually as General Manager of Shankai Sports golf division managing the PGA TOUR China.

   我第一次来到金鸡湖国际高尔夫俱乐部是在2012年。当时,我对27洞的不同设计产生了浓厚的兴趣,这是我以前还未见过的球场风格。我认为它非常的独特,尤其是在打球时,在美景的映衬下,享受高球乐趣。同时,我对金鸡湖高尔夫的管理印象深刻。去年,在苏州公开赛大赛期间,我再次来到金鸡湖高尔夫,感受依旧。I first came to Jinji Lake Golf Club to play in 2012 and I was really interested in the different designs of each of the 9 holes, I had never seen that before. It is very rare to have a beautiful lake and cityscape in background as you play golf so I knew it was very unique. I was also really impressed by the quality of the golf course conditions. Last year, while with the PGA TOUR China, I came back to Jinji and I was really impressed with the professional management as the team were supportive and helpful throughout and helped to make it the best event of 2019.  

   高尔夫已有700多年的发展史,但在中国还比较“年轻”的。我相信高尔夫在中国会有非常好的发展。我记得2009年,在中高协注册的青少年高尔夫球手只有400人,而今已有60000多人。Although golf has over 700 years of history in other countries, it is still relatively young in China. I truly believe that there is a great future for the game in China. In 2009, there were only 400 junior golfers registered with the China Golf Association and now there are more than 60,000.

   高尔夫是非常好的,可以在大自然美景中的运动项目,你可以和任何年龄的人、你的朋友、家人一起打球。同时,这也是一项非常绅士、讲究礼仪的运动,对整个社会都是大有益处。我很高兴能够来到金鸡湖国际高尔夫俱乐部,我也迫不及待地想认识更多的会员朋友们,在我们共同的努力下,变得更好! Golf is a sport that is played in beautiful natural surroundings, it’s fantastic for people’s health, and you can play with friends and family of any age. It is also a perfect sport to teach discipline, humility, and etiquette which is a great benefit for society as a whole.I am very excited to be here at Jinji Lake Golf Club and I can’t wait to get to know more of the members and see how we can keep making the club better and better.




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