云雾之湾酒庄位于南纬42的新西兰马尔堡,这是一个凉爽的葡萄酒产区,这个产区如今已是新西兰最大的葡萄产区,除了长相思 (Sauvignon Blanc) 同时也适宜种植黑皮诺 (Pinot Noir) 葡萄。
The CLOUDY BAY is located in Marburg, New Zealand at 42 latitude. It became the largest wine region of New Zealand nowadays. In addition to Sauvignon Blanc, it is also suitable for planting Pinot Noir.
The grapes can enjoy longer sunshine here than other regions. The soil is mainly clay and has a high humidity, but at the same time there is less precipitation in the whole area. The wine produced here maintains a pure fruity taste, a rich taste and a high quality structure. Because of its geographical features, it enjoys a cooler climate, so the grapes grow with highly sweet, without reducing their acidity, and become the unique wine flavor of New Zealand.
The CLOUDY BAY is very dedicated to the cultivation of the grapes , and each grape variety has only one brand. The winery chooses the best grapes from different vineyards to maintain the quality and style of the unity.
Combining the best place of origin of Sauvignon Blanc and the most outstanding winemaking process of New Zealand, CLOUDY BAY creates a top wine with an international reputation.The unique climate and soil of the Marlboro region give world-class purity and fragrance and incredible energy to the wine.
Tasting the world-class pure flavor
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