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[正中] 深圳龙岗保时捷中心2017正中会员杯年终总决赛|赞助商介绍(二) ...

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在线会员 发表于 2017-12-17 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
深圳龙岗保时捷中心2017正中会员杯年终总决赛|赞助商介绍(二) ...

2017年正中高尔夫球会赛事精彩纷呈,历经数场各具特色、群英荟萃的会员赛事,终于在辞旧迎新的日子里迎来了年度收官时刻,深圳龙岗保时捷中心2017正中会员杯年终总决赛将于12月20 日倾情呈现

深圳龙岗保时捷中心2017正中会员杯年终总决赛|赞助商介绍(二) ...

本次赛事正中高尔夫球会的长期合作伙伴绝对高尔夫™为我们带来了优质的赞助商,同时也给喜爱品质的高尔夫人群带来最IN的理念。感谢伊莱克斯中国, J.LINDEBERG China, 美国爱默生集团旗下爱适易品牌的大力支持,为正中高尔夫球会的会员们呈现国际知名品牌的运动时尚潮流和精致生活方式。

深圳龙岗保时捷中心2017正中会员杯年终总决赛|赞助商介绍(二) ...


Electrolux, one of the global leaders in home appliances and appliances for professional use, is selling more than 60 million products to customers in 150 countries every year.
深圳龙岗保时捷中心2017正中会员杯年终总决赛|赞助商介绍(二) ...


Electrolux, one of the global leaders in home appliances and appliances for professional use, is selling more than 60 million products to customers in 150 countries every year. Our focus is on innovations that are thoughtfully designed, based on extensive consumer insight, to meet the real needs of consumers and professionals.
深圳龙岗保时捷中心2017正中会员杯年终总决赛|赞助商介绍(二) ...

深圳龙岗保时捷中心2017正中会员杯年终总决赛|赞助商介绍(二) ...

Our products include refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines, vacuum cleaners and cookers sold under esteemed brands such as Electrolux, AEG-Electrolux, Zanussi, Eureka and Frigidaire.

深圳龙岗保时捷中心2017正中会员杯年终总决赛|赞助商介绍(二) ...


深圳龙岗保时捷中心2017正中会员杯年终总决赛|赞助商介绍(二) ...

The Scandinavian Fashion House J.LINDEBERG was founded in Stockholm 1996 with the vision to build an international brand for modern and aware consumers. The company bridges fashion and function, offering outstanding products for a modern active lifestyle. The collections consist of men's wear and women's wear offering fashion, tailoring, golf and skiwear. The fashion collections are presented at the international fashion weeks in e.g. New York, Beijing, London and Stockholm—the sportswear collections are worn by some of the world’s best athletes.
深圳龙岗保时捷中心2017正中会员杯年终总决赛|赞助商介绍(二) ...


Today, distribution covers more than 35 countries, and there are close to 90 J.LINDEBERG stores and 35 shop-in-shops in e.g. Stockholm, Copenhagen, Oslo, Munich, New York, Miami, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Beijing, and Shanghai. J.LINDEBERG is sold in over 900 stores; including the leading high-end department and specialty stores around the world.The company is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden.

深圳龙岗保时捷中心2017正中会员杯年终总决赛|赞助商介绍(二) ...


The J.LINDEBERG brand was officially in China at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in 2012. At present, there are 88 stores nationwide, covering more than 20 provinces, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Chengdu and Xi 'an. The essence of the J.LINDEBERG brand is intended to create a unique model for people who change the world. The logo design is similar to a bridge, which means "the bridge of fashion and function". J.LINDEBERG golf series has been recognized by Chinese golf insiders before entering China, and the fashion and light sports products of the same period have become more and more popular among Chinese consumers.
深圳龙岗保时捷中心2017正中会员杯年终总决赛|赞助商介绍(二) ...


J.LINDEBERG is a brand with its own voice, representing a modern, active lifestyle and culture. Join us to explore more about our brand voice and Scandinavian fashion and lifestyle.

深圳龙岗保时捷中心2017正中会员杯年终总决赛|赞助商介绍(二) ...

爱适易是世界500 强知名企业美国艾默生电气公司旗下品牌,其总部设在美国威斯康辛州。食物垃圾处理器的发明者约翰·汉默斯先生于1938年创立了爱适易,至今爱适易是享誉全球的食物垃圾处理器制造商和销售商。爱适易提倡“优雅生活,就在指尖”的生活感悟,并致力于为全球广大消费者提供更为优质、便捷、健康的生活方式。进入中国以来,爱适易凭借各方面优势,受到消费者、房地产商的喜爱,成为各城市地标高端地产项目的精选产品。同时在环保和节能方面的优点,成为落实“垃圾源头减量”“垃圾分类”的绿色环保新选择。

Headquartered in Racine, Wisconsin, InSinkErator is a business unit of Emerson (NYSE:EMR) named in FORTUNE GLOBAL 500. John W. Hammes who invented food waste disposer, established InSinkErator in 1938, and now InSinkErator is the world's famous manufacturer of food waste disposers for home and commercial use. “Elegant living at your fingertips”, InSinkErator brings more convenient and high-efficiency method to dispose food waste and bring healthy and elegant lifestyle to the consumers in the world.

深圳龙岗保时捷中心2017正中会员杯年终总决赛|赞助商介绍(二) ...

In China, with the advantages of all aspects, InSinkErator is welcomed by consumers and famous developers, and has become a selected product of the landmark projects and buildings. At the same time, the advantages of environmental protection and energy conservation, InSinkErator has become a new green environmental protection choice for the implementation of "waste source reduction" and "garbage classification".  

深圳龙岗保时捷中心2017正中会员杯年终总决赛|赞助商介绍(二) ...

深圳龙岗保时捷中心2017正中会员杯年终总决赛|赞助商介绍(二) ...

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