Golf Workshop

[西丽] 俱乐部疫情期间相关规定更新|ClubPoliciesUpdateduringCovid-19 ...

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在线会员 发表于 2020-6-19 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Club Policies Update

In response to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic situation and in order to ensure the health and safety of all members and guests, the Club has been strictly regulating the reservation and check-in procedures. In the meantime, we kindly ask all members to adhere to the following:
俱乐部疫情期间相关规定更新|ClubPoliciesUpdateduringCovid-19 ...

一、打球预定 Reservation

1. 球会依据当地政府街道办的最新指示,过去14天内到访过北京的会员和嘉宾需要出示核酸检测结果或居家隔离满14天,才能进入球会。

According to the latest instructions of the local authority, members and guests who have visited Beijing in the past 14 days are requested to provide the nucleic acid test (NAT) results or stay at home quarantine for 14 days before entering the club.

2. 俱乐部从5月13日起,已恢复接受会员当日高球预定及练习场预订
The Club has resumed on the day golf booking and driving range booking from May 13th (Wednesday).
由于周末,公众假期及平日的高峰时段,会员的高球预订需求日益增长。我们诚挚建议所有会员至少提前24小时预定。提前预定,仅可以让您获取更理想的开球时间,同时也可以让我们提前做好准备,以确保您和您的嘉宾在抵达时享受顺畅的高球旅程。Due to the increasing demand for golf bookings on weekends, public holidays and peak times during the weekdays, we would like to remind all members to make all bookings one day (24 hours) in advance in order to aviod disappointment. By Booking in advance, not only you can get a more ideal tee time, but also this will allow us to prepare in advance to make sure you and your guests to enjoy a seamless journey on  arrival.
3. 对于所有高球预定,会员需要提供整组所有球员的姓名,并告知准确的人数。您需要将所有球员的姓名在预定后两小时内提供给我们,否则我们将把为您预留的开球时间开放给其他会员。
For all bookings, Members shall provide all players' names and indicate the accurate number of players in the flight. All the names shall be provided to us within two hours of reservation, or the reserved teetimes will be released to other members.
4. 对于全体会员和球会而言,“按预定时间到场,更改行程及时取消”是极其重要的。这将为等候名单上的其他会员提供预订的机会。如果您的打球计划有变——在周末或公众假期时,请至少提前48小时取消开球时间;在平日时,请至少提前24小时取消开球时间。It is extremely important for members to be respectful of other members, be present at the time reserved and cancel tee times as soon as possible in order to provide opportunities for other members who are on the waiting list to make reservations. If a member’s plans change please cancel your tee time 48 hours prior to the date of play on weeekends and public holidays, 24 hours prior to the date of play on weekdays.  

二、入口安检 Security Entrance

1. 请出示“行程记录二维码”,并携带身份证或护照(外籍人士,含港澳台)等有效证件以核对身份。
Please cooperate with us to scan the “Traveling Record QR code”, and provide your personal ID upon arrival.

2. 门卫将为每个人测量体温并确认是否佩戴口罩。请您配合,体温异常、未提前预定或未佩戴口罩,将被婉拒进入球会。

Security will check everyone’s temperature and ensure everyone is wearing a mask. Anyone whose name is not on the reservation sheet, not wearing a mask or having abnormal temperature will be politely refused entry.


"Book in advance, come on time, and cancel in time" will help us create the most pleasant experience for each member and guest at Xili. Thank you for your understanding and support.


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