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[西丽] 把握春天的脉动——西丽春季保养计划|XiliSpringMaintenanceProgram ...

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在线会员 发表于 2019-3-23 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
把握春天的脉动——西丽春季保养计划|XiliSpringMaintenanceProgram ...



The Spring has arrived and as the proverb says, "make your whole year's plans in the spring". Therefore our Golf Maintenance Team has started the annual Spring maintenance program, which includes verticutting, aerification, topdressing and fertilizing, on the green, teeing area, fairway and rough zones.

把握春天的脉动——西丽春季保养计划|XiliSpringMaintenanceProgram ...

把握春天的脉动——西丽春季保养计划|XiliSpringMaintenanceProgram ...


Each time we aerify, we get questions from members about what we are doing and why we are doing it ? Aeration is an essential program to keep playing surfaces healthy and in good condition. It achieves three important objectives. It relieves soil compaction, it provides a method to improve the soil mixture around the highest part of a green’s roots and it reduces or prevents the accumulation of excess thatch.


Like so many things, the quality of a good course condition is more than skin deep. In fact, the condition of the turf has a lot to do with what goes on below the surface. In order for grass to grow, it must have deep, healthy roots. Good roots demand oxygen. In good soil, they get the oxygen from tiny pockets of air trapped between soil and sand particles.


Over time, the traffic from golfers’ feet (as well as mowing equipment) tends to compact the soil underneath the grass. When soil becomes compacted, the air pockets on which the roots depend are crushed, and the roots are essentially left gasping for air. Without oxygen, the grass plants become weaker and will eventually wither and die.


Preventative maintenance is an integral part of successful golf course management. We hope every member will now have a better understanding and just how important aerification is to producing healthy turf.

把握春天的脉动——西丽春季保养计划|XiliSpringMaintenanceProgram ...


This annual maintenance project started at the beginning of March and will be completed by the end of April.

把握春天的脉动——西丽春季保养计划|XiliSpringMaintenanceProgram ...


Starting from May the course irrigation renovation project will take place. The project includes updating the central irrigation system, renewing all the old pipes underneath the ground and updating the sprinkler heads throught out the golf course. This will be the biggest project of the year, which is expected to be completed in 18 months. We will keep you posted on the details of the project and any golf operational changes in the coming few months.
把握春天的脉动——西丽春季保养计划|XiliSpringMaintenanceProgram ...

另外,草坪部将在今年开展部分发球台的扩建工程,在C4和C8洞分别增建一座发球台,以期减轻蓝Tee的过度使用。球场景观方面的更新,将“更上一层楼”!A2、A5及D9 洞的全新景观规划,用特色与新意,带给您惊喜。

In addition, the GCM team will begin to expand some of the tee boxes on some Par 3s around the course, i.e. Add an extra tee on C4 and A8, as it will help to reduce the excessive use of the current Blue Tee. We are also planning to improve some of the landscaping design on the course, the new plan for A2, A5 and D9 will surprise you and give a new feeling to this hole.

把握春天的脉动——西丽春季保养计划|XiliSpringMaintenanceProgram ...


As always we would like to thank you for your understanding and onging support. Let us look forward to 2019 and the subtle changes that will bring you improved course conditions!

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