As the sweltering summer heat fades, the cool and colorful scenery of autumn comes to life. When the moon is like smooth flowing water, the Mid- Autumn Festival is just around the corner. Xili has planned a feast full of traditional delicacies to welcome members and their families. It is a fantastic time for gathering around and enjoying some great food while appreciating the full moon and the changing season.
炎热的酷暑渐渐远去,爽朗的凉秋缓缓走来。 皎洁月光如流水,花好月圆迎中秋。西丽高尔夫乡村俱乐部精心准备了一席包含各类传统美食的盛宴,欢迎会员携家人和朋友来到球会庆祝中秋佳节。让我们啄一口清酒,食一碟珍羞,赏一轮圆月,沉浸在球会的良辰美景之中。
中秋团圆 赏婵娟
We cordially invite you and your family to join us at the Club. We wish you a very happy Mid-Autumn Festival on behalf of everyone at Xili Golf and Country Club.