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[西丽] 【高球礼仪Etiquette】修复果岭上的球痕很重要|Repairingballmarksisimport ...

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在线会员 发表于 2015-10-21 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【高球礼仪Etiquette】修复果岭上的球痕很重要|Repairingballmarksisimport ...

你知道吗?一个球痕会造成草坪凹陷乃至死亡,不单单是留下伤痕还会导致推球表面凹凸不平整,使一击很好的推杆偏离它原本的推击线路。Did you know a ball mark can cause the grass in the depression to die, leaving not just a scar but also a pit in the putting surface that can knock well-struck putts offline?

你是否有知道一个10分钟或更长时间未修复的球痕需要花上15天的时间才能复原,但是一个在5分钟内就被修复的球痕却只需要24个小时就能使草坪完全恢复原状?Did you also know that a pitch mark left for 10 minutes or longer takes 15 days to recover, whereas a pitch mark repaired within 5 minutes recovers completely within 24 hours?
我们每个人的举手之劳都可以帮助球会维护更好的果岭质量。修复那些凹陷的球痕真的非常重要,同样重要的是正确地修复它们。因为我们发现除了很多球手没有修复自己的球痕之外,也发现很多善意的球手虽然修复了球痕,但却没有使用正确的方法进行修复。We can all help to maintain the quality of our greens with just a little effort and care. Repairing those little depressions is very important. Equally important is doing it the RIGHT way. Because while many golfers fail to repair ball marks, there are also many well-meaning golfers who do "repair" the pitch marks, only to do so incorrectly.
堪萨斯州立大学的一项研究表明,未被正确修复的球痕需要比被正确修复的球痕花上双倍的时间才能痊愈。According to a study done at Kansas State University, incorrectly "repaired" ball marks take up to twice as long to heal as those that are properly repaired.

所以亲爱的会员们,管理层号召大家积极地参与到修复自己的球痕的行动中来,同时让我们使用正确的方法来修复球痕。Therefore, management would like to encourage all of our responsible Members to start repairing ball marks and doing it the right way.

正确修复球痕的方法Right way to repair the ball marks
【高球礼仪Etiquette】修复果岭上的球痕很重要|Repairingballmarksisimport ...

1果岭叉是修复球痕正确的工具。The ball mark repair tool is the right tool for the job of repairing ball marks.

【高球礼仪Etiquette】修复果岭上的球痕很重要|Repairingballmarksisimport ...

2将果岭叉插入球痕边缘位置,而不是球痕的中央。Insert it at the edges of the mark, not the middle of the depression.

【高球礼仪Etiquette】修复果岭上的球痕很重要|Repairingballmarksisimport ...

3轻轻地用叉将球痕边上的草向里推,但不要将球痕中部提起来。尽量不要撕裂草皮。Bring the edges together with a gentle twisting motion, but don’t lift the center. Try not to tear the grass.

【高球礼仪Etiquette】修复果岭上的球痕很重要|Repairingballmarksisimport ...

4用球杆或是脚平整草表面,直到您觉得不影响推杆为止。Smooth the surface with a club or your foot. You’re done when it’s a surface you would want to putt over.

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