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[西丽] Thingsyouprobablydidn'tknowaboutwarmingup|关于热身你可能不知道的事 ...

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在线会员 发表于 2015-9-19 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Ask a typical amateur golfer why warming up is important and they’ll probably tell you something about preventing injury.当你询问业余高尔夫球手为什么打球前热身非常重要他们或许会告诉你因为热身可以防止受伤。
But recent research from Sports Scientists has shown that a series of golf warm up exercises can have a measurable effect on your golf swing – right from the very first tee shot.但是近几年运动学家的研究表明打高尔夫球前的一系列热身运动可以对球手的挥杆起到有效地帮助——在开球的第一个发球台就能体现出热身的成效。
The golf warm up exercises and routine below will help you get off to the best possible start each time you play a competitive game of golf.以下小编要为大家介绍一些关于热身的练习动作,将能够对您每次打球起到积极的帮助作用。

1Don't stretch
— It Will Hurt Your Swing别盲目拉伸,它可能会伤到你的挥杆

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Traditional stretching (known as ‘static’ stretching) just prior to playing golf can actually impair your golf swing . Stretching can lower your swing speed and reduce the accuracy of your shots.
You might find this surprising because for years stretching was synonymous with warming up. But there’s quite a lot of scientific research to support this – not just in golf but a variety of sports. Most coaches today tell their athletes to avoid static stretching before competition and you should avoid it before playing golf.您可能会对此感到非常惊讶因为在过去很多年里人们将拉伸运动等同于热身。但是随着研究的进步,不仅在高尔夫领域甚至在很多其他的运动项目中拉伸也被认为是错误的热身运动。现在的很多教练都告诉运动员们要避免在运动前进行静态拉伸,您也应该要避免在打高尔夫球前这么做。

The Best Golf Warm Up Exercise

While static stretching immediately before golf can hinder your performance, another type of stretching will enhance it.静态拉伸对您的打球表现可能会产生不利的影响,但是也有另一种拉伸可以对您的球技起到帮助。
Dynamic stretching involves using movement and momentum to stretch a muscle group. Rather than holding a stretch for a period of time, the muscle is stretched briefly at the end of a movement. It’s easiest to understand with an example:那就是动态拉伸,动态拉伸包括持续的动作和力量来拉伸我们的肌肉群。与保持一个动作很长时间不同的是,动态拉伸更强调动作的律动感,拉伸在每组动作结尾处进行。相信以下的一组对比图能够帮助大家更好的理解:
Static Chest Stretch 胸部静态拉伸
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Typically held for 15-30 seconds.尤其是一个动作停留15-30秒
[color=rgba(12, 11, 11, 0.960784)]  Dynamic Chest Stretch 胸部动态拉伸
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10-20 movements made.Stretch occurs briefly at the end of each movement.10-20个短促的有律动感的摆动。拉伸在每个动作的结尾部分进行。

Dynamic stretches make excellent golf warm up exercises. They reduce muscle tightness (which may well help to prevent injuries like muscle tears) and they allow you to make those faster, more powerful and more accurate golf swings.动态伸展是非常好的高尔夫热身运动。它能够有效的降低肌肉的紧绷程度(能够有效防止像肌肉撕裂这样的运动伤害)同时能够提高挥杆的速度、力量和精准度。
We highly recommand the warm up routine below to you so that it’s practical as well as effective.Instead of ‘finding your rhythm’ 5 or 6 holes into your round, you’ll be able to swing much more fluidly, and more powerfully, from the 1st tee.我们向会员朋友们强烈地推荐以下的几组简单实用并且非常有效的热身动作。希望可以帮助您摆脱需要打上5、6个洞才能找到挥杆节奏的困扰,让您实现在第1个发球台就能打出流畅而有力量的挥杆。
Here are the exercises:以下是练习的动作分解
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[color=rgba(12, 11, 11, 0.960784)]1.Arms Across Chest[color=rgba(12, 11, 11, 0.960784)]  双臂在胸前交叉运动15-20 repetitions

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[color=rgba(12, 11, 11, 0.960784)]2.Arm Circles[color=rgba(12, 11, 11, 0.960784)]   双臂画圈运动
10-15 circles in each direction.每个方向画圈10-15次
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[color=rgba(12, 11, 11, 0.960784)]3. Shoulder Twists[color=rgba(12, 11, 11, 0.960784)]    旋转肩膀
10-15 twists to each side.左右两侧各转10-15次
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[color=rgba(12, 11, 11, 0.960784)]4. Side Bends[color=rgba(12, 11, 11, 0.960784)]    两侧弯曲
10 bends to each side.两侧各弯曲10次
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[color=rgba(12, 11, 11, 0.960784)]5. Hip Rotations  [color=rgba(12, 11, 11, 0.960784)]    臀部旋转运动  
10-15 rotations in each direction.左右两个方向各旋转10-15次
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[color=rgba(12, 11, 11, 0.960784)]6. Lunges[color=rgba(12, 11, 11, 0.960784)] 弓步上下蹲

8-10 lunges each leg.

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7. Forward Leg Swings     前后踢腿运动  

10-15 swings with each leg.
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[color=rgba(12, 11, 11, 0.960784)] 8. Lateral Leg Swings[color=rgba(12, 11, 11, 0.960784)]     侧边踢腿运动  

10-15 swings with each leg
每条腿左右踢10-15次This is a great combination exercise that warms up the arms, legs, lower back and shoulders all at the same time.这是一套非常完整的热身运动,从肩膀、手臂到腰背和腿都有效地得到了兼顾。
If your tee off time is early in the morning we recommend you perform this routine once at home, before you leave for the golf course and then a second time 10-15 minutes before you’re due to tee off. For later tee off times, just complete the routine once, at the course.如果您早上比较早开球,小编建议您可以先在家做这套动作然后等您抵达球场在开球前10-15分钟再做一次。如果您比较晚开球,来到球场开球前做一次即可。

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We wish every member has a good weekend , enjoy the cooler season ahead, and we look forward to seeing you all at the club.最后我们祝愿每一位会员周末愉快,尽情的享受当下凉爽的季节。期待在球会见到你们!

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