Golf Workshop

[西丽] 复刻皇室体验,尽享户外之趣——新西兰皇家葡萄酒庄高尔夫精品六日游|NewZe ...

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在线会员 发表于 2015-9-11 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[color=rgba(12, 11, 11, 0.960784)]嘉里一酒香为您探访新旧世界7个最重要的葡萄酒国家,遍寻十二个独特风土条件的地区,特推出100瓶全球限量珍藏精品葡萄酒,您将品鉴到蕴含着全世界精华地区阳光与风土的葡萄精粹。
[color=rgba(12, 11, 11, 0.960784)]
Kerry Wines strictly select 100 bottles of fine wines with limited production across the world for our honorable Xili Golf members. They are from seven most famous wine production countries and twelve unique terroir. You will taste the sunshine and purity of remarkable grapes in those special wines.
复刻皇室体验,尽享户外之趣——新西兰皇家葡萄酒庄高尔夫精品六日游|NewZe ...

[color=rgba(12, 11, 11, 0.960784)]
同时,嘉里一酒香为西丽会员定制精品新西兰之旅,在南半球12月的夏季暖阳下,为您献上接待英国威廉王子和凯特王的新西兰艾菲酒庄(Amisfield Winery ) 的尊荣礼遇,并带您体验新西兰风景怡人的知名高尔夫场地,尽享英国皇室级别的高贵奢华之旅。
Meanwhile, Kerry Wines tailor made a New Zealand Winery Golf Trip for the members. Imagine that you breathe the fresh and clear air walking on the green grass in the warm sun of south hemisphere and play golf drinking a glass of elegant pinot noir.  You will enjoy a different luxurious trip with us in New Zealand.
复刻皇室体验,尽享户外之趣——新西兰皇家葡萄酒庄高尔夫精品六日游|NewZe ...

[color=rgba(5, 116, 13, 0.890196)]DAY 1

Depart by air from HK international airport. Arrive in New Zealand and check in hotel.

[color=rgba(5, 116, 13, 0.890196)]DAY 2

复刻皇室体验,尽享户外之趣——新西兰皇家葡萄酒庄高尔夫精品六日游|NewZe ...

风景如画的艾菲酒庄以新西兰最好的单一酒庄黑比诺葡萄酒及芳香浓郁的白葡萄酒而享誉全球。酒庄餐厅(Amisfield Winery Bistro)拥有“新西兰最佳餐馆”美誉并多次荣获当地美食权威杂志奖项。这里是美酒与美食撞出火花的地方。酒庄餐厅和酒庄葡萄园迷人壮阔的景色,亦使得无数酒迷及美食家慕名而来。艾菲酒庄是著名影星姚晨的蜜月地,著名主持人兼美食家蔡康永,对酒庄的著名黑比诺佳酿亦是赞不绝口。
Visit Amisfield winery, one of the most renowned wineries in New Zealand.  The winery produces some of the finest single vineyard Pinot Noir and aromatic white wines in its country and has a breathtaking landscape. Amisfield's Lake Hayes Bistro has had global recognition and among many other distinctions was named New Zealand's Best Winery Restaurant in the Cuisine NZ Good Food Awards 2013. The winery has welcomed more than 50,000 New Zealand and international guests sample the range of vintages every year, including wine lovers, gourmets and celebrities around the globe. Yao Cheng and CAI Kong Yong, the rising Chinese actress and famous Taiwanese Anchor have visited Amisfield. The winery is where Yao Cheng had her honeymoon.
复刻皇室体验,尽享户外之趣——新西兰皇家葡萄酒庄高尔夫精品六日游|NewZe ...

In 2014, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visited Queenstown's Amisfield Winery and Bistro and the vineyard as part of their official New Zealand tour, where they experienced some of Amisfield's signature dishes and newly created canapés. Today, you will have the chance to enjoy a range of exceptional wines and most delicate food as the royal couple did as well.
复刻皇室体验,尽享户外之趣——新西兰皇家葡萄酒庄高尔夫精品六日游|NewZe ...

[color=rgba(5, 116, 13, 0.890196)]DAY 3
酒庄在新西兰最优质风土条件的区域建立了属于自己的葡萄园。富利来酒庄由John Forrest博士携手其妻子Brigid Forrest创建于1988年。在新西兰,John Forrest博士是推崇螺旋瓶盖的先驱之一。他在葡萄种植和葡萄酒酿造业委会持续服务已有十年,致力于葡萄种植和葡萄酒酿造的研究。John Forrest 博士将科学的精神以及自身的艺术天赋融入到葡萄酒酿造中。而其佳酿成为备受权威酒评家推崇的新西兰风土标签,获全球新西兰酒迷喜爱。
Arrive in Forrest winery. The winery as founded in 1988 by Dr. John and Brigid Forrest. They decided to leave behind their careers in molecular biology and medicine moving to Marlborough to start the dream. Their dedication to sustainable vineyard management and wine making has been recognized by many, winning numerous international awards.
复刻皇室体验,尽享户外之趣——新西兰皇家葡萄酒庄高尔夫精品六日游|NewZe ...

Go boating with our winemaker and owner; you will fall in love with its spectacular scenery.
[color=rgba(5, 116, 13, 0.890196)]DAY 4[color=rgba(5, 116, 13, 0.890196)]

复刻皇室体验,尽享户外之趣——新西兰皇家葡萄酒庄高尔夫精品六日游|NewZe ...

Golfing should be at the top of the ‘must-do’ list for your stay in New Zealand.  The South Island is a center for soaring mountains, untouched nature, friendly locals and picture perfect vineyards. It's also home to incredible golf courses. Enjoy your 18 hole with fresh air and stunning views.
复刻皇室体验,尽享户外之趣——新西兰皇家葡萄酒庄高尔夫精品六日游|NewZe ...

[color=rgba(5, 116, 13, 0.890196)]DAY 5
新西兰是旅游者的天堂,在这里你可以尽情感受新西兰的风土人情和历史文化,放慢您的脚步, 体验新西兰的浪漫和温馨, 自由支配您的时间.
Plan your own day to experience local culture and adventures.
[color=rgba(5, 116, 13, 0.890196)]DAY 6

复刻皇室体验,尽享户外之趣——新西兰皇家葡萄酒庄高尔夫精品六日游|NewZe ...

Depart from New Zealand to HK.
套餐内容及费用 All-incharge
此100瓶全球限量珍藏精品葡萄酒限量套装价值[color=rgba(12, 11, 11, 0.960784)]350,000元,[color=rgba(5, 116, 13, 0.890196)]西丽高尔夫会员尊惠价[color=rgba(5, 116, 13, 0.890196)]278,000元,并可获赠价值100,000元的[color=rgba(226, 48, 9, 0.890196)]精品豪礼组合
Total 100 BT limited wines: 350,000 RMB, [color=rgba(5, 116, 13, 0.890196)]Xili Golf member discount price: 278,000 RMB Additional wine service (value 100,000 RMB)

New Zealand Winery Golf Trip (1 person free, depart time estimate Dec .2015)

嘉里一酒香独家精品葡萄酒顾问服务 或 您的私家酒窖管理服务(一年两次)
Kerry Wines Exclusive Wines Wine Consultant Service (twice / year)

30% discount on exclusive brands of Kerry Wines

Two tickets of Kerry Wines’ Fine Wine Dinner (Shenzhen/ Guangzhou)

一台专业葡萄酒恒温酒柜,可存放200瓶酒。(酒柜将与本次购买的酒一起配送,嘉里一酒香额外 赠送酒窖管理服务一次,将100瓶全球限量佳酿为您做出最专业合理的存放及品鉴安排。)
1 free wine fridge (capable of keep 200 BT) and 1 free wine cellar management service (after 100 bt wines are delivered).
报名方式 Enrollment
Interested Members, please contact the Membership Office for enrollment and details.

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