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[女子职业巡回赛 GLPGA TOUR] 球洞指南|如果从没打过这个球场,这些信息可能有点帮助 ...

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在线会员 发表于 2019-8-25 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
球洞指南|如果从没打过这个球场,这些信息可能有点帮助 ...

开业于2001年的富春山居高尔夫球场,由曾任南非Gary Player之首席设计师Daniel J. Obermeyer所设计,临湖而建,环绕整个度假村,与周边绵延的茶园和丘陵交织成景。

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球洞指南|如果从没打过这个球场,这些信息可能有点帮助 ...



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8月31日 12:30-15:30

9月1日 12:30-15:30

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球洞指南|如果从没打过这个球场,这些信息可能有点帮助 ...






















a. 四轮比赛过后,男子或女子比赛第一名出现并列时将采取逐洞加洞赛决定胜者。

b. 团队比赛出现第一名并列时,将采取逐洞加洞赛取团队成绩决定胜者。

c. 如果最终团队比赛中除冠军以外任何名次出现并列,将采取比较记分卡的方式决定优胜者。首先比较第二轮团队成绩,成绩较好者获得优胜;如果仍然并列,将从团队两名球员第18洞成绩之和逐洞倒数比较,直至分出胜负。如果用此办法依然无法决定胜者,将采用抽签的方式决定。

d. 若多个团队为角逐冠军名次加洞时,将只决出冠军名次,其余团队名次将按条款6c方式决定。














主办单位:中国高尔夫球协会 杭州市体育局





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球洞指南|如果从没打过这个球场,这些信息可能有点帮助 ...

Terms of Competition


The first three in one format around the world:Men’s 72-hole individual stroke play tournament,Women’s 72-hole individual stroke play tournament.

A 36-hole international team stroke play is integrated pairing based on the players’ nationality or region and scores. The team's score is the aggregation of the male and female players’ scores in the same team.

(2)Player Field

China Tour: 75


CGA exemption spots: 2 male players and 2 female players

Hangzhou Sports Bureau exemption spots: 1 male player and 1 female player

Field size: 156

(3)Making the cut:

a. After 2 rounds, top 40 (excluding ties) female and male players will make the cut. In the case of ties that relates to making the cut, the order will be decided on the scorecard count-back: Score for Round 2 will be compared firstly; If there is still ties, then the score from hole 18 down to hole 1 hole by hole will be used. If it still cannot be determined, the result will be decided by drawing lots.

b. After 2 rounds, male players who miss cut but ranked at 41 to 65 (including ties) will equally share prize money, but the amount will not be counted towards the money list.

c. After 2 rounds, female players who miss cut but ranked at 41 to 50 (including ties) will get prize money according the breakdown in the CLPGT player handbook and regulations, and it will be counted towards the money list.

(4) Pairings for Final Rounds and Team Results

In final rounds, in order to make up teams, 40 male players and 40 female players will be ranked based on the scores to do the pairings. The best score will be ranked as No. 1, the worse will be No. 40. Same procedure as Item 3a will be used to decide ties.

The principle of pairing is that the highest ranking male and female players alternately select the highest ranking and opposite gender players in their country or region. If a player who cannot be paired by the same country or region, then skip him/her, till all the rest of players don’t have another players to be paired from the same countries or regions, then the rest of male and female players will be paired from highest ranking. Once the pairings are confirmed, it will not be changed. If the player cannot play the final round(s) due to injury or other reasons, the team is not eligible for team awards.

(5) Groupings of the final two rounds:

Four-ball will be used for final rounds. Each group contains 2 teams.

Groupings for final rounds will be determined by the pairing order. Four players in first and second team will tee off on Tee#1 lastly. And the four players in team No.3 & No.4 will tee off on Tee#1 penultimately. The last paired 2 teams will tee off on Tee#10 lastly by analogy.

Draw sheet for last round will be two-tee start as well, and each group has 2 teams 4 players as the 3rd round.

(6) Decide of ties

a. In the event of a tie for first place for individual competition after 4 rounds, there will be a hole-by-hole play-off to determine the winner.

b. In the event of a tie for the first place for the team competition, a hole-by-hole play-off to determine team winner with team score.

c. In the event of a tie for the team competition, unless it is for team champion, a scorecard count-back will be used to decide the order, based on the 2nd round score first, the lower score the higher place; if it still ties, then compare the score from hole 18 down to hole 1 hole by hole. If the winner is still not determined by this method, the result will be decided by drawing lots.

d. If more than 2 teams have play-off for team winner, the play-off will only determine the winner, the ties of any place other than winner will be decided by item 6c.

(7) Prize Money Breakdown

Men’s individual stroke play: RMB 700,000

Women’s individual stroke play: RMB 500,000

Team prize money: RMB 300,000.Only top 8 teams will be rewarded. Champion team 100,000, first runner-up 80,000, second runner-up 50,000, then 30,000, 20,000,10,000, 6000,4000,respectively.

Team players share the prize money. If there is an amateur player in the team, the prize money will be rewarded to the professional player. If both players are amateur, the prize money will be rewarded to the next team.

(8) Eligibilities

China Tour and China LPGA each has 75 spots. Players are eligible based on each tour’s player categories.

(9) Competition guide

Play shall be governed by 2019 Rules of Golf published by R&A and USGA and in accordance with the China Golf Association, and conditions & local rules adopted by the committee.

(10) The Committee

Officials and referees will be appointed by the China Golf Association.

(11) The cost

Players are responsible for their expenses of food, accommodation and travel.

(12) All players must abide by the China Tour and China LPGA handbook & general regulations.

(13)The explanation rights belong to the China Golf Association


Hosted by China Golf Association and Hangzhou Sports Bureau

Organized by Hangzhou Sports Development Group

Certified by China Men's Professional Golf Tournament and China Women's Professional Golf Tournament

Operated by Sixiangwuwei (Zhejiang) Sport Corporation Limited

Supported by The 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 Pubilicity Department

Held by Fuchun Resort Golf Crouse

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球洞指南|如果从没打过这个球场,这些信息可能有点帮助 ...


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