It’s autumn now, such a wonderful time of year! Leaves are turning vibrant colors. The weather is getting cooler, but it is fun to play golf. In September we will prepare some interesting activities for members to enrich your golf life.Again, if you find something that we can do for you, please let us know. Enjoy!
19月5日正中巾帼杯比赛September 5th
巾帼不让须眉,高球场上英姿显!The best female golf player in Genzon.29月9日百杆大战比赛September 9th
百杆俱乐部成员集结,乐享高球!We are people who really enjoy golf,although we aren't the best.39月23日中秋会员杯比赛September 23th
龙湖升明月,球友共此时。Let's get together to celebrate the Moon Festivals!
如果这些活动都是您的心头好,不妨关注接下来的报名活动,并拨打0755-8482 2999参加。如您有更好的活动建议,也欢迎您与我们分享。
If the activities above are your favourite,please call 0755-8482 2999 to sign up.