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[女子职业巡回赛 GLPGA TOUR] R&A和USGA发布了关于应用规则10.2b(4)的说明

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在线会员 发表于 2019-2-16 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



R&A规则治理执行董事大卫·里克曼(David Rickman)说:“这些说明旨在改善规则的运作,并让球员有更多机会在遵守规则精神的同时,避免违规。我们意识到这需要部分球员和球童进行调整,但我们坚信大家普遍接受球员应该独自进行击球的瞄准。”





Meaning of “Begins Taking a Stance for the Stroke”

Rule 10.2b(4) does not allow a player to have his or her caddie deliberately stand on or close to an extension of the line of play behind the ball for any reason when the player begins taking a stance for the stroke. Reference to “the stroke” means the stroke that is actually made.

The player begins to take the stance for the stroke that is actually made when he or she has at least one foot in position for that stance.

If a player backs away from the stance, he or she has not taken a stance for the stroke that is actually made, and the second bullet point in Rule 10.2b(4) does not apply.

Therefore, if a player takes a stance when the caddie is deliberately standing on or close to an extension of the line of play behind the ball, there is no penalty under Rule 10.2b(4) if the player backs away from the stance and does not begin to take a stance for the stroke that is actually made until after the caddie has moved out of that location. This applies anywhere on the course.

Backing away means that the player’s feet or body are no longer in a position where helpful guidance on aiming at the intended target line could be given. (Added 2/2019)


Examples of Caddie Not Deliberately Standing Behind Ball When Player Begins Taking Stance for Stroke

Rule 10.2b(4) does not allow a player to have his or her caddie deliberately stand on or close to an extension of the line of play behind the ball for any reason when the player begins taking a stance for the stroke.

The use of the term “deliberately” requires the caddie to be aware that (1) the player is beginning to take a stance for the stroke to be played, and (2) he or she is standing on or close to an extension of the line of play behind the ball.

If the caddie is unaware of either of these two things, the caddie’s action is not deliberate and Rule 10.2b(4) does not apply.

Examples of when a caddie’s action is not considered to be deliberate include when:

- 球童正在耙沙坑或者为了维护球场而采取类似的行为,并且没有意识到自己正处于球员的打球线在球后方的延长线上或其附近。
- The caddie is raking a bunker or taking some similar action to care for the course and is not aware that he or she is doing so on or close to an extension of the line of play behind the ball.

- 击球后球停在了球洞附近,球员径直走上前将球轻敲进洞。在球员将球敲进洞期间球童没有意识到他/她站在球员的打球线在球后方的延长线上或其附近。
- The player makes a stroke and the ball comes to rest near the hole and the player walks up and taps the ball into the hole while the caddie is unaware he or she is standing on or close to an extension of the line of play behind the ball.

- 球童站在打球线在球后方的延长线上,但当球员为了采取站位开始移动,球童正侧过脸背对着球员或看向了另一个方向,并且没有意识到球员开始采取站位。
- The caddie is standing on an extension of the line of play behind the ball but, when the player moves in to begin taking a stance, the caddie is facing away from the player or looking in a different direction and is unaware the player has begun to take his or her stance.

- 球童正在执行一项任务(比如获取码数)并且没有意识到球员已经开始采取站位。
- The caddie is engaged in a task (such as obtaining a yardage) and is unaware that the player has begun to take the stance.

But, in the examples given above, when the caddie becomes aware that the player has already begun to take a stance for the stroke to be played and he or she is standing on or close to an extension of the line of play behind the ball, the caddie needs to make every effort to move out of the way.

Common acts that caddies take unrelated to the player setting up to the ball, such as checking to see if a player’s club will hit a tree, whether the player has interference from a cart path or holding an umbrella over a player’s head before the stroke, are not treated as deliberate actions under Rule 10.2b(4). After helping the player with such an act, there is no penalty so long as the caddie moves away before the stroke is made.

If either the player or caddie is attempting to circumvent the primary purpose of Rule
10.2b(4), which is to ensure that aiming at the intended target is a challenge that the player must overcome alone, the caddie’s actions are treated as being deliberate. (Added 2/2019)


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