Golf Workshop

[汤臣] CRGGAcademy/CindyReid全球高尔夫学院

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在线会员 发表于 2018-5-2 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Dear Members of the Tomson Golf Club,

We warmly welcome you all to the Cindy Reid Global Golf Academy at the Members Driving Range. We are honored to be in partnership with Tomson Golf Club and our Golf Academy is built upon the concept of a total game experience. Our goal is to make sure that while you are learning with us we provide an enjoyable learning environment that will allow you to gain the knowledge and tools necessary to improve your golf game. We structure our teaching on making you a better player in the time that you spend with us here at the Academy. We will deliver useful information that is easy to understand, which builds upon itself in a logical progression. Much of the Cindy Reid Global Golf philosophy has been developed through the extensive studying of the greatest players alive and the 25 years of experience Cindy herself has gained through her own personal teaching.
欢迎光临位于会员真草练习场的Cindy Reid全球高尔夫学院!很荣幸和汤臣上海浦东高尔夫球场合作!我们的学院建立在高球全体验的理念之上,我们的目标是为您提供舒适且浓厚的高球学习氛围,让您获得更多提升球技的知识及工具。我们的课程设计充分考虑您与我们共度的时间,以符合逻辑的进程为基础,将有用的信息通过简单易懂的方式传达给您,最终帮您改善球技。 Cindy Reid全球高尔夫学院的教学理念大部分是从现场观摩研究当今顶尖球员以及Cindy Reid本人25年的实践教学所总结及发展起来的。

The information that we will be using in building a golf swing, short-game and putting game has been influenced by many people, especially our golf instructors who have been around the game for a long time. We at the CRGG Academy feel that the ultimate gift an instructor can pass along to his or her student is knowledge of his or her own game.
我们教授的全挥杆、短杆和推杆的技术和内容是前人的经验总结,尤其是长期从事高尔夫球行业工作的高尔夫球教练们的智慧结晶。Cindy Reid全球高尔夫学院认为教练能给学生的最好的礼物就是把适合学生的知识传授给学生,让学生打好自己的球。

Here at the CRGG Academy our instructors are certified, dedicated and passionate about improving your golf skills. The relationship and bond that an instructor and student develop lasts much longer than the days endured at the academy, therefore we have also designed learning techniques that aid the student for future improvement. If you have a question or need anything at any time during your time at the Golf Academy, please don’t hesitate to ask anyone on our professional staff for assistance.
在Cindy Reid全球高尔夫学院,每位通过职业资格认证的教练将热情细致地帮助您提高球技。教练与学生的关系不会因为学院课程的结束而结束,因此,我们会为您设计一套适合您的学习技巧以帮助您课后继续提升。在此期间,如您有任何问题或需要我们的帮助,请随时咨询学院专业工作人员。

Looking forward to working with the Tomson Golf Club and their members to develop a great learning environment for all.

Thank you

Cindy Reid, PGA
CEO/Founder of Cindy Reid Global Golf
Cindy Reid全球高尔夫品牌创始人及CEO


To celebrate the Anniversary tournament of Tomson Golf Club, we would like to extend a FREE Trackman experience for all the members, members’ guests and families in the month of May.  You can make a reservation with our staff and be our guest on trackman! Learn more about the launch monitor technology used by the best players around the world. Trackman captures ball flight and club data to help players and coaches make faster, smarter adjustments to improve their game.
为庆祝汤臣上海浦东高尔夫球场周年庆活动,我们将在周年庆月5月为球场会员、会员嘉宾和家人隆重推出TRACKMAN雷达检测设备免费体验活动。 请与我们的工作人员提前预约,成为我们TRACKMAN设备的嘉宾,体验世界顶尖球员现今所使用的雷达检测技术!TRACKMAN可捕获球手击球及小球的起飞及飞行弹道全程的大量数据,帮助教练及球手快速做出更明智、有效的球技提升方案。


Time:  3:00pm to 5:00pm every Wednesday and Friday in the month of May
时间: 5月逢周三、周五下午3:00-5:00点

What you can get :
●TRACKMAN launch monitor analysis   
●Supervised practice by PGA professional
●Complimentary coaching tips
●Featuring video

Booking line : Vickie Yin (+86 136 7195 9625)
预约热线: 尹小姐(+86 136 7195 9625)



Cindy Reid – Founder/CEO of Cindy Reid Global Golf
Cindy Reid- Cindy Reid全球高尔夫品牌创始人,歆迪体育咨询(上海)有限公司 CEO

Cindy Reid is heralded as one of the best PGA golf Coaches in the world. Her internationally respected teaching philosophy has taken her all over the world and has brought her to China to develop champion golfers and grow the game of golf in Asia. Prior to teaching this great game, Cindy was a player. Played in Professional Golf Tournaments for 10 years in United States, Asia and Europe. Winning 1 Professional event while keeping her stroke average at 71.0. Belongs to the Double Eagle Club alongside Tiger Woods and has had 2 holes in ones. She is also committed to bringing the benefits of her experience to Asia to develop champions that can compete on a world stage. Over the last 10 years, Cindy has built her reputation in Asia as well by creating the Cindy Reid Golf Academy at Mission Hills, Cindy Reid Golf Academy at QiZhong Garden Golf Club and Cindy Reid Golf Academy at Tomson Golf Club.
欣荻瑞被公认为世界顶级高尔夫教练之一,她受国际认可的先进教学理念让她畅游全世界,也把她带到了中国,培养冠军高尔夫球员,发展亚洲的高尔夫运动。做教练之前,欣荻是一名职业球员。10年的职业生涯里,她在美国、亚洲和欧洲征战各个职业赛事,曾获得 3 次冠军,平均杆数 为 71.0 杆。她与老虎伍兹 样归属于双鹰俱乐部,曾有两次 杆进洞记录。她致力于将她的经验 分享给亚洲 ,培养能在世界舞台上竞技的冠军球员。在过去的 10 年里,欣 荻通过在观澜湖高尔夫球会、旗忠花园高尔夫俱乐部及汤臣上海浦东汤臣高尔夫球场创办的辛迪瑞高尔夫学院在全亚洲建立了广泛的知名度。
During her 17 years at the PGA TOUR Headquarters/TPC Sawgrass as the first female Director of Instruction in the TPC Network of Clubs. She has worked on all pre-opening, 5- year budget plan and a first-year operational expertise for the Golf Performance Center at TPC Sawgrass home of the PGA TOUR Headquarters. While working on leading a team, hiring staff, creating sales & marketing programs, website/social media outlets, Financial budgets, Branding/PR, Membership programs and hiring PGA Golf Instructors/Coaches. She also trained several professional golfers such as:
欣荻在美巡赛总部/TPC 锯齿草球场工作了 17 年,她是俱乐部第一位女性高尔夫球教学总监。她为在美巡赛总部之家-TPC 锯齿草球场开设的高尔夫球训练中 制定了营业前期筹备方案、5 年预算方案以及首年运作专业计划。同时带领团队,招聘员工 ,设计销售及市 场营销方案,建立人事考核制度,开发网站/社交媒体渠道,制定财务预算,品牌推广 /公关方案,设计会籍项目,以及聘请美国高尔夫球协会 PGA 专业高尔夫教练。与此同时, 她还指导过以下职业球员:

Vijay Singh – former #1 player in the world, three time major championships and a member of the World Golf Hall of Fame.
维杰.辛格: 前世界排名第1 ,3 次大满贯赛冠军,世界高尔夫名人堂成员。
Sophie Gustafson – 5-time winner on the LPGA, 21 international wins and member of the European Solheim Cup for the last 14 consecutive years.
索菲∙斯坦夫森: 5 次 LPGA 巡回赛冠军,21 次国际比赛冠军,连续 14 年代表欧洲 队参加索尔海姆杯。
Deb Richard – 5 LPGA Tour wins.
黛比∙理查德: 5 次获得 LPGA 冠军


Cody Barden- Speaks English and Spanish 寇迪·巴登 - 英语及西班牙语


Cody is one of the top PGA Teaching Professionals in the world. He has worked with a number of Tour professionals, leading corporate executives, professional athletes and celebrities as well as emerging players and individuals who are committed to becoming very competitive golfers. Previously, Cody was the Head Teaching Professional at the Tournament Players Club at Sawgrass (FL) and the Country Club of Birmingham (AL). In 2008, he was honored as Georgia PGA Teacher of the Year and nominated for Golf Magazine’s list of Top 100 Teaching Professionals. He has also earned NCAA West Coast Conference Coach of the Year honors while Head Men’s Golf Coach at Pepperdine University. His work has been covered in Sports Illustrated, Golfweek and Golf World magazines. He has been a featured instructor on USA Network, Comcast Sports, and Golf Channel.


Vivi Luo - Speaks Chinese, English and Cantonese 罗小雅-普通话、英语及粤语

Having been working in golf industry for 12 years, she started to take golf lessons from an American golf instructor named Cliff Barlow and at the same time she cooperated with New Golf Magazine to be the leader of Shenzhen Female Golf Team and organize amateur charity golf tournaments. Vivi worked as a golf instructor at Cindy Reid Golf Academy at Mission Hills and she has completed the Cindy Reid Golf Certification Program which is a two (2) year program designed and trained by the main golf instructor Cindy Reid. Vivi also has the experience to conduct corporate golf tournaments, golf clinics and golf shape fitness.
从事高尔夫行业12年。早期与美国教练Cliff Barlow学习,在这期间与新高尔夫杂志合作担任深圳女子高尔夫球队队长及组织慈善业馀赛事。曾在深圳观澜湖辛迪瑞高尔夫学院任教,并完成由主教练辛迪瑞亲自培训的为期二年的辛迪瑞高尔夫球(CRG)教练认证。 具有组织企业高尔夫赛事、高尔夫演示、高尔夫形体训练等经验。

Vivi worked as a golf instructor at Martin Robert’s Golf Academy and she has received professional training and instruction from overseas golf instructor. Meanwhile, she has accumulated plenty of teaching experience. She uses TPI system to design target-oriented training for students at different ages to ensure their improvement of the body and the golf swing, which will establish a sound base for them in the future.

China Golf Association Certified Golf Instructor
Cindy Reid Golf Certified Golf Instructor
﹣CRG 认证教练
TPI Certified Golf Fitness Instructor
﹣TPI 体能高尔夫认证教练
TPI Certified Junior Golf Instructor
﹣TPI 青少年高尔夫认证教练

Samuel Allen- Speaks English and Mandarin 杉邈 - 英语及普通话


Samuel started playing golf at age of 15 and worked hard to get his handicap down to a 3.1 by the age of 18. Was appointed CAPTAIN at Rudding Park Junior golf team in his second year of playing golf while leading the team to win the league championship. Samuel has had plenty of experience coaching Juniors at Rudding Park golf club in England, Happygolf and Feiyin golf Academy in Shanghai for the past 4 years.

Samuel has received and been certified by the EGTF Professional Golf Coaches association with a University Degree in business.  He graduated in June of 2012 and was 1st in his class at the University of Leeds Business and Finance (BA). Samuel has participated in the 1st Tee golf-training program, which is an American Junior Golf Development Company and learned how to use SNAG golf equipment. Attended a PGA talk with Shane Reiser about developing kids from a young age into the United States education system. Setting targets and finding appropriate colleges and coaches for students.
杉邈拥有商学位,获得了EGTF职业高尔夫教练协会的认证。他于2012年6月以班上第一名的成绩于利兹大学商业和金融学院毕业。杉邈参予了美国青少年高尔夫发展公司的1st Tee青少年高尔夫培训项目,学习了如何使用SNAG高尔夫设备。他还参加了Shane Reiser的 PGA座谈会,这是一个关于“如何从小培养孩子 ”的美国教育系统的讲座,为学生设定目标,找到合适的大学和教练 。

Samuel has won many golf tournaments such as:

●North England county league champion
●Men’s Scratch Match-play  
●Rudding Park Super Silver Salver, President Salver and many club medals and stablefords


LITTLE TODDLERS- START ’EM EARLY A GAME OF A LIFETIME Cindy Reid Global Golf Summer Golf Program 2018…
2018年Cindy Reid全球高尔夫夏令营

Location: Tomson Golf Club/Members Driving Range
Programs:  Two camps dates, three days, three hours a day
Dates: August 7th,8th and 9th/August 14th,15th and 16th
Time: 3:00-6:00pm
Cost: RMB8, 500
Coach/Student: 4 to 1 Ratio
Size: is limited to 20 Toddlers
Minimum: 8 kids are needed to bring the program together


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