Golf Workshop

[观澜湖] “大师开讲啦”大师赛高球学习班4月16日星期六MastersMasterclass;Sat.16th ...

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“大师开讲啦”大师赛高球学习班4月16日星期六MastersMasterclass;Sat.16th ...

“大师开讲啦”大师赛高球学习班4月16日星期六MastersMasterclass;Sat.16th ...

“大师开讲啦”大师赛高球学习班 416日星期六

Masters Masterclass; Saturday 16th April

April 10th witnessed the finalday of The Masters Tournament; the first major of the year at Augusta National Golf Club, USA. Jordan Spieth unfortunately just missed out on his second green jacket, while Englishman Danny Willet took advantage and secured his first major win.
“大师开讲啦”大师赛高球学习班4月16日星期六MastersMasterclass;Sat.16th ...

Last Saturday afternoon we were glad to have PGA Master Professional, Iain Roberts present a fabulous clinic at Mission Hills Dongguan PGA golf academy: The Masters Masterclass. Iain uncovered the secrets to how the world’s top professional golfers conquer the tough course of Augusta National, as well as offer individual help to the members and guests in attendance. Iain was assisted on the day by his son, Oliver, a recently-turned professional and 2016 season Alps Tour card holder, who wowed the crowd with spectacular golf shots, and Brian O’Donovan, Mission Hills Golf Academies coach.
“大师开讲啦”大师赛高球学习班4月16日星期六MastersMasterclass;Sat.16th ...

To start the class, professional golferOliver Roberts shared his own warm-up routine, explaining how to properly prepare for playing on the golf course and avoid injuries.

Iain explained the special techniques required to play on courses with narrow fairways as well as playing against the strong wind of Augusta. Guests learned how to effectively shape the ball and play with different trajectories.
“大师开讲啦”大师赛高球学习班4月16日星期六MastersMasterclass;Sat.16th ...

Next, Iain explained how to manage sloping lies on the golf course; a point which is especially useful for those who play the courses at Mission Hills! Every single guest had a chance to show Iain their skills and pick up some personal tips.

The last part of the class was explaining the most effective techniques for breaking putts. With visual drills and explanations from the master coach, the guests were easily able to grasp the concepts and improve.
“大师开讲啦”大师赛高球学习班4月16日星期六MastersMasterclass;Sat.16th ...

“I didn’t expect it to be such a formal clinic, I learnt quite a lot at fairly little expense. Excellent!” Our very beginner Ms. Liu praised.

“It’s tough to find a great coach that you are compatible with and explains things very clearly. Now I have!” said Mrs. Zhu, who is now learning at Mission Hills Golf Academies with her husband.
“大师开讲啦”大师赛高球学习班4月16日星期六MastersMasterclass;Sat.16th ...

Thank you to all of the guests who attended our Masters Masterclass; we hope you thoroughly enjoyed your time at the PGA Academy while picking up some valuable information to help your golf!

We welcome you to take part in our Labour Day Training happening on Sunday 1st May. Please contact the academy for more details.
“大师开讲啦”大师赛高球学习班4月16日星期六MastersMasterclass;Sat.16th ...

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