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[观澜湖] PettersenandRobertsoptimisticaboutseason'sfirstMajor

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在线会员 发表于 2016-4-2 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Original Post by HK Golfer News Wire. All rights go to HK Golfer News Wire. Translations are by Mission Hills Golf Academies. Please see the original post on:

Pettersen and Roberts Optimistic About Season's First Major


2016年3月30日,加利福尼亚 (香港高尔夫新闻专线)- 本周在加州兰乔米拉市,年度首场女子大满贯全日空锦标赛开战,挪威明星球手苏珊·皮特森目前排名领先。
CALIFORNIA, 30 Mar 2016 (HK Golfer News Wire) - The Norwegian star is among the leading contenders at the ANA Inspiration, the first Major of the season in women’s golf, at Rancho Mirage in California.

Hong Kong-based Roberts has been at her side all week, continuing the coaching role he began at the HSBC Women’s Champions in Singapore in early March.

“It’s been great having Iain here as I work on my game and I’ve certainly felt the benefit of his input this week,” said Pettersen. “I’m feeling good heading into this tournament and I’m looking forward to the next four days.”

Pettersen finished tied ninth at the HSBC Women’s Champions and narrowly missed a top-10 finish in last week’s Kia Classic in Carlsbad, California. Her last victory came in the Manulife LPGA Classic last June.

罗志显认为皮特森状态渐佳,有望回到两次大满贯黄金时期 - 2007年,皮特森在LPGA锦标赛上获得职业生涯的第一个大满贯。2013年,她斩获依云锦标赛冠军头衔,获得第二个大满贯。同年,她的排名上升到世界第二,达到个人职业生涯巅峰。
Roberts believes his star pupil is working her way back to the form that brought her two Majors – the 2007 LPGA Championship and 2013 Evian Championship – and a career-high world No.2 ranking.

“Suzann is not only talented, as all players are at this level, but totally dedicated in her work ethic and approach to the game,” he said.
“She’s a joy to work with and we’ve had a productive week. Now the goal is to replicate in the tournament what she’s been doing day in, day out in practice.”

在本届全日空锦标赛中,地点位于兰乔米拉市的Mission Hills乡村俱乐部。尽管与罗志显任集团执行董事的Mission Hills同名,但是它与中国的这个球会其实并无关系。本届全日空锦标赛规模浩大,高坛大咖纷纷现身兰乔米拉市的Mission Hills乡村俱乐部,世界排名前二十中仅有一位缺席。
Nineteen of the world’s top 20 are teeing it up in the ANA Inspiration at Rancho Mirage’s Mission Hills Country Club – no relation to the club of the same name in China where Roberts is Group Executive Director.

Roberts is renowned as one of Asia’s premier golf tutors and administrators. Last year he was honoured as a Master Professional by the PGA of Great Britain and Ireland, one of only 38 members worldwide to achieve such status.

He first met Pettersen though her regular visits to Mission Hills Haikou in Hainan, China, where she won the World Ladies Championship, a Ladies European Tour event, in 2013.

Source: HK Golfer News Wire
Photography by Courtesy of Mission Hills Group

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