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[观澜湖] 罗伯茨对战世界顶级业余选手RobertsGoesToetoToeWithWorld'sTopAmateurs ...

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在线会员 发表于 2015-5-8 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
罗伯茨对战世界顶级业余选手RobertsGoesToetoToeWithWorld'sTopAmateurs ...

This was an article by HKGolfer's Magazine and has been translated by Mission Hills Golf Academies. HK Golfer News Wire holds all rights to the original article.

Roberts Goes Toe to Toe With World's Top Amateurs
OliverRoberts flew the flag for Hong Kong in style at the weekend with an excellentdisplay in one of Europe’s most prestigious amateur tournaments, the LythamTrophy.
罗伯茨对战世界顶级业余选手RobertsGoesToetoToeWithWorld'sTopAmateurs ...

"Itwas a fantastic experience and a great learning curve,” said Roberts

UNITED KINGDOM, 4 May 2015, (HK Golfer News Wire) - Played on the hallowed links of Royal Lytham and St Annes Golf Club in northwest England, the 72-hole event has been a showcase for the world’s top young players since it was first held in 1965.

国家队球手罗伯茨,22岁,在周五的比赛中打出68杆,以低于标准杆2杆的成绩与其他三位选手来自瑞典的Kinhult,来自北爱尔兰的Cormac Sharvin以及来自丹麦的John Axelsen并列领先。这也是他业余生涯迄今为止表现最好的一轮。
National team player Roberts, 22, played one of the best rounds of his fledgling career on Friday, firing a two-under-par 68 to share the first-round lead with three other players – Marcus Kinhult of Sweden, Cormac Sharvin of Northern Ireland and John Axelsen of Denmark.

Difficult weather conditions sent scores soaring on day two but Roberts’ 82 was good enough to keep him in the top 30 and easily make the cut for Sunday’s final two rounds.

The early starters on Sunday got the worst of the weather but Roberts came through the 36-hole marathon day with scores of 83 and 78 to finish a creditable 49th in the 144-player field.

"The weather conditions on the weekend made the course even tougher, so it was a fantastic experience and a great learning curve,” said Roberts, the only player from Asia in the field. “I was especially happy with my final round. By then fatigue was setting in but it was my second-best score of the week and a good way to finish.”

Kinhult自始至终以8杆优势领先,战胜了其余三名选手,Sharvin, 法国人Robin Roussel 还有威尔士的 Richard James
Kinhult led from start to finish for an eight-shot victory over a trio of players -Sharvin, Frenchman Robin Roussel and Richard James of Wales.

Roberts’ commendable display at Royal Lytham - venue for the 2012 Open Championship -followed his excellent outing in last month’s Buick Open at Mission Hills Haikou in China. On that occasion he became the first Hong Kong amateur to make the cut in a PGA China Tour event.

摄影:Daniel Wong
Source: HKGolfer News Wire
Photographyby Daniel Wong

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