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[旗忠花园] 矩阵高尔夫全球首家学院正式落户上海旗忠花园高尔夫俱乐部 ...

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在线会员 发表于 2018-10-25 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
矩阵高尔夫全球首家学院正式落户上海旗忠花园高尔夫俱乐部 ...

北京时间10月24日,莱德体育和矩阵高尔夫联合宣布,矩阵高尔夫全球首家学院正式落户上海旗忠花园高尔夫俱乐部。莱德体育董事长张欣先生、矩阵高尔夫联合创始人迈克・艾德姆斯(Mike Adams)先生和泰瑞・罗尔斯(Terry Rowles)先生、矩阵高尔夫(中国)教学总监安德鲁·帕克(Andrew Park)先生、上海旗忠花园高尔夫俱乐部常务副总经理黄沧江先生等嘉宾出席了新闻发布会。为助力中国高尔夫事业的发展,以推广高尔夫教育为远景,并为中国青少年球员引入国际一流的教学资源,莱德体育作为矩阵高尔夫中国独家合作伙伴,将把这一国际顶级高尔夫教学系统及其全方位服务引入中国。

Beijing October 24, 2018, Ryder Sports as the exclusive partner of The Golf Matrix in China jointly announced their first Golf Matrix Academy launch at Shanghai Qizhong Garden Golf Club. The Chairman of Ryder Sports – Mr. Zhang Xin, the founder of Golf Matrix Mr. Mike Adams and Co-Founder Mr. Terry Rowles, the Director of Instruction of Golf Matrix China Mr. Andrew Park, the deputy General Manager Mr. Huang Cangjiang and esteemed guests attended the press conference. To fully support the development of golf in China,promote education in China’s golf industry and bring the world best golf training resources to the young golf generation in China, Ryder Sports introduces the world top golf teaching system and its full services to China.

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The Golf Matrix is the most modern and complete golf teaching system ever developed. It is together developed by Mr. Mike Adams – Golf Teacher Hall of Fame member, and Mr. Terry Rowles - PGA tour coach. The Golf Matrix has educated players and teachers around the world. It guarantees breakthrough improvements for all ages, body types and standards of players that are personalized precisely to each player.   

矩阵高尔夫教学体系是多年科学调研的成果,其成效得到了多项现代科技的证实。“它能够测量、收集每一个打球人的技术数据,通过这些数据我们将规划出每一位学员的教学蓝图,确定有针对性的教学内容,并最大程度优化教学结果—— 提高学员的杆头速度并找到适合他/她的挥杆模式”,矩阵高尔夫创始人迈克・艾德姆斯先生说道。

Moreover, The Golf Matrix System is a product of decades of research which has most recently been validated by modern technologies. It allows us to measure every student to determine their optimal swing parameters. From these measurements we are able to create a blueprint for each students help them maximize their club speed which also allows them to take their own golf shape.

矩阵高尔夫全球首家学院正式落户上海旗忠花园高尔夫俱乐部 ...


莱德体育董事长张欣先生表示,“莱德体育和旗忠高尔夫一直致力于为国内广大球友和青少年提供一流的高尔夫运动平台,我们希望能把最好的资源引入中国,接轨世界。矩阵高尔夫学院的理念是用教育引领体育学习,尊重科学,尊重个体化差异,提供专业的、国际化的高尔夫体验,致力于推动中国高尔夫运动的发展。 ”

Mr. Zhang Xin, Chairman of Ryder Sports, explained that Ryder Sports and Qizhong Golf have been committed to provide first tier golf platform for all golfers. Ryder Sports will continue to develop and fully support the game of golf in China by bringing the Golf Matrix - the most complete system of golf coaching in the world here. It uses leading science based research to recognize and optimize individual differences.

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Co-Founder Mr. Terry Rowles said, 'Our scope of services will be focusing on providing bespoke golf instruction to amateurs, juniors and professionals to help them score better. Results not only in golf but also in education. Playing golf and learning academics are not conflicted, it possible to achieve them together. Our goal is to make more juniors successful student athletes to further develop themselves in college and beyond. The Golf Matrix Education Placement team has an unprecedented track record for coaching and placing junior golfers into the best colleges in the USA, and we will be excited to offer this service to Chinese students as well.'

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The Director of Instruction of Golf Matrix China Mr. Andrew Park said, ‘In this country, I have seen so many talented golfers, and personally work with them. It was my wish to be able to help more Chinese golfers with world best practices, like the Golf Matrix - a matured and consistent teaching system, which is not affected by individual instructors it really helps them scoring better. ’

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Mr. Zhang Xin further expressed that China market is one of the most important business for Golf Matrix. In the next few years, there will be more Golf Matrix academies opening. We hope that we can do more for the game of China golf!



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