Golf Workshop

[旗忠花园] 矩阵高尔夫10月落户旗忠TheGolfMatrixiscomingthisOctober!

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在线会员 发表于 2018-10-8 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


To fully support the development of China golf, promote education in China’s golf industry and bring the world best resource to the young golf generation in China, Shanghai Ryder Sports as the exclusive partner of The Golf Matrix in China, will introduce the world top golf teaching system and full services of The Golf Matrix and together to establish the first Golf Matrix Academy in the world at Shanghai Qizhong Garden Golf Club.

矩阵高尔夫是迄今为止发展起来的最完整的高尔夫教学系统,由高尔夫名人堂成员迈克・艾德姆斯(Mike Adams)和PGA巡回赛教练泰瑞・罗尔斯(Terry Rowles)先生共同创立,旨在帮助各年龄段、不同身体类型的球员都能在最适合自己的情况下有破性改进。

The Golf Matrix is a modern and complete golf teaching system developed by Mike Adams, PGA hall of fame member, and Terry Rowles, PGA tour coach. It is the most complete system of golf coaching ever developed and guarantees breakthrough improvements for all ages, body types and standards of players that are personalized precisely to each player.

金秋十月,矩阵高尔夫的两位创始人,矩阵高尔夫中国区院长安德鲁・帕克(Andrew Park)先生,以及Edel Golf创始人,矩阵高尔夫顾问委员会成员大卫·埃德尔(David Edel)先生将为大家带来一系列的高尔夫教学活动。十分期待您的参与!

This October, two founders of The Golf Matrix, and Mr Andrew Park, Managing Director of The Golf Matrix China, and David Edel, the founder of Edel Golf and an advisory board member of The Golf Matrix will present a series of golf events for you in Shanghai. We look forward to your participation!

Instruction of The Golf Matrix Academy


The Golf Matrix Academy offers the best practices available in golf instruction in the world today.


The Academy uses highly trained staff and cutting-edge technology to make the lesson process precise, accurate, consistent and fast.


The Golf Matrix Academy has educated players and teachers around the world and has consistently got incredible results that help all golfers hit the ball straighter, more solidly, and importantly the golfers gain a lot of club head speed! And all in a very short space of time.


The players will go beyond just learning to swing and learn how to practice, how to score well, and how to strategize in order that they get results!

Services Offered


Golf Matrix Teaching System includes 4 main components:The Golf Swing Matrix, Putting Matrix, Short Game Matrix & Golf Performance Matrix.


Including – full swing, specialty shots, driving, putting, short game.

青少年成长项目 – 针对不同情况的青少年,为其量身定制短期至长期的训练计划
Junior Development Programs – all levels – short to long term.
教育规划与报读服务 – 一条龙式服务,帮助青少年从高中凭借高尔夫优势进入美国名校,成为校队成员。
Education Placement Services – full range of services to help junior golfers and their families chart a course from high school golf to a college golf career in the US.
下场技术指导 – 学习如何在场下以及日常训练中发挥最佳的挥杆表现,以及学习如何能让场下表现与练习场表现更为贴近。

On Course Coaching – How to take the best swings to the course, routines and systems to enable range time and course time to be closer.

战略战术指导 – 了解理论基础、通晓如何评估球场难度,以便制定最佳得分战术。

Strategy Classes – Learn the theory and practice of how to assess a course for the optimal consistent scoring strategy.

巡回赛指导 – 教授职业球员学习并实际操作如何安排参赛时间、制定比赛计划、赛前调试以及赛事期间的时间管理。
Tournament Supervision – Learn and apply the best practices of event time, game plan, last minute fine tuning, and time management around an event.
课程设计服务 – 用科学家为美国国家奥运会团队设计的体系来指导我们的球员正确练习并将学习成果最大化。

Learning and Practice program design – Utilizing systems designed by the US Olympic team practice and learning scientist, we will teach our golfers to practice correctly for maximum success.

高尔夫体能课程 – 学习行业内最优秀的体能教练训练方法,在加强学员的力量的同时最大程度上降低其受伤的可能性。

Golf Fitness – Learn the best practices used by the best fitness coaches to increase power whilst drastically reducing injuries.


What is The Golf Matrix™?

矩阵高尔夫是由Mike Adams先生和Terry Rowles先生研发的一套全面的高尔夫教学系统,能够针对所有年龄、所有体态和所有水平的选手量身定制教学课程。矩阵高尔夫教学体系也是多年科学调研的成果,其成效得到了多项现代科技的证实。

The Golf Matrix is a modern and complete golf teaching system developed by Mike Adams and Terry Rowles. It is the most complete system of golf coaching ever developed and guarantees breakthrough improvements for all ages, body types and standards of players that are personalized precisely to each player. Moreover, The Golf Matrix System is a product of decades of research which has most recently been validated by modern technologies.


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