Golf Workshop

[深圳衡泰信高尔夫] 🔥「高尔夫与èŒåœºã€çƒåœºä¸Šé‚£äº›é—ªå…‰çš„商务智慧,èŒåœºäººéƒ½è¯¥çœ‹ï¼ ...

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在线会员 å‘表于 2014-12-11 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模å¼
🔥「高尔夫与èŒåœºã€çƒåœºä¸Šé‚£äº›é—ªå…‰çš„商务智慧,èŒåœºäººéƒ½è¯¥çœ‹ï¼ ...

我是一个勤劳的å°ç¼–,åªä¸ºä½ çš„çƒæŠ€æ高辛勤劳作。你觉得文章好就收è—å§ï¼ä½ è§‰å¾—å°ç¼–辛苦就转å‘å§ï¼ä½ çœ‹äº†çƒæŠ€æœ‰è¿›æ­¥å°±å…³æ³¨æˆ‘å§ï¼å¾®ä¿¡å·ï¼šchina-greenjoy
🔥「高尔夫与èŒåœºã€çƒåœºä¸Šé‚£äº›é—ªå…‰çš„商务智慧,èŒåœºäººéƒ½è¯¥çœ‹ï¼ ...

🔥「高尔夫与èŒåœºã€çƒåœºä¸Šé‚£äº›é—ªå…‰çš„商务智慧,èŒåœºäººéƒ½è¯¥çœ‹ï¼ ...

I, too, was guilty of judging the sport asa slow, boring, old boys' club. But what was once TV programming to induceweekend napping is now one of my favorite sports to play, and not just for thehealth benefits. In fact, the greatest driving force behind why women play isfor business reasons. There are more than six millions female golfers just inthe United States, and here are five reasons why I think you should be one more— for the sake of your career.

说起æ¥æƒ­æ„§ï¼Œæˆ‘也曾认为高尔夫是一项缓慢,无èŠï¼Œè€ç”·äººçš„è¿åŠ¨ã€‚但是曾让我周末æ˜æ˜æ¬²ç¡çš„电视节目现在已ç»æˆä¸ºæˆ‘最喜爱的è¿åŠ¨ï¼Œè€Œä¸”ä¸ä»…åªæ˜¯å› ä¸ºå®ƒæœ‰ç›Šå¥åº·ã€‚事实上商务原因是女性进行这项è¿åŠ¨çš„最大推动力。仅在美国就有超过600万的女性高尔夫çƒæ‰‹ï¼Œä¸‹é¢æ˜¯äº”个你也应该加入其中的原因—为了你的事业。

Great networking opportunities. Golfershave a median household income of more than $80,000, and 93 percent of them ownat least one home. Those statistics coupled with the fact that golf is a luxurysport (it's about $40 on average to play one round) makes its players generallyaffluent and successful. In the four to five hours to finish a round, you neverknow when you could befriend someone with the right connections.


Makes a great impression. In my experience,men are generally impressed with women who play well. While golfers arepredominately male, having a fluid swing, competitive attitude, and patienceunder pressure will impress the boys in the boardroom and on the greens. Plus,you'll never be left out of the loop if there's a last-minute game scheduled.

创造好的å°è±¡ã€‚æ ¹æ®æˆ‘çš„ç»éªŒï¼Œç”·å£«é€šå¸¸å¯¹æ‰“çƒå¥½çš„女士å°è±¡æ·±åˆ»ã€‚而男高尔夫çƒæ‰‹å ç»å¤§å¤šæ•°ï¼Œæ‹¥æœ‰ä¼˜ç¾Žçš„挥æ†ï¼Œæ±‚胜的欲望和压力下的冷é™ä¼šåœ¨ä¼šè®®å®¤å’Œæžœå²­ä¸Šç»™ç”·å£«ç•™ä¸‹æ·±åˆ»å°è±¡ã€‚å¦å¤–,如果有最åŽå…³å¤´çš„比赛,你ç»å¯¹ä¸ä¼šè¢«æŽ’除在外。

Enforces appropriate office demeanor. Golfis a game of etiquette. No matter how competitive you are, how much you dislikethe other player, or how foul a situation is, there are rules that dictate"gentlemanly" behavior. You can apply the same rules to your workenvironment. No matter how frustrated you get, you should work efficiently andskillfully while being able to communicate your issues calmly and with indoorvoices.

训练èŒåœºé£Žåº¦ã€‚高尔夫是礼仪的游æˆã€‚ä¸ç®¡ä½ æœ‰å¤šæœ‰å¥½èƒœå¿ƒï¼Œå¤šä¹ˆä¸å–œæ¬¢å…¶å®ƒçƒæ‰‹ï¼Œæˆ–者形势多么æ¶åŠ£ï¼Œéƒ½æœ‰å†³å®šç»…士行为的准则。你å¯ä»¥æŠŠåŒæ ·çš„规则è¿ç”¨åˆ°å·¥ä½œçŽ¯å¢ƒã€‚无论你多么沮丧,都应该有效和熟练的工作,能够冷é™çš„å’ŒåŒäº‹æ²Ÿé€šä½ çš„问题。

Enhances analytical thinking. As much asgolf is a physical sport, it is also a thinking one, too. A player must gaugepossible yardage, wind factors, breaks on the greens, etc. Your success isdependent on your ability to observe the details, much like in an officeenvironment.

æ高分æžæ€è€ƒèƒ½åŠ›ã€‚高尔夫既是体力è¿åŠ¨ï¼Œä¹Ÿæ˜¯å¤´è„‘è¿åŠ¨ã€‚çƒæ‰‹å¿…须判断ç æ•°ï¼Œé£Žçš„å½±å“,果岭上的裂ç¼ç­‰ã€‚ä½ çš„æˆåŠŸå–决于细节观察的能力,就åƒåœ¨åŠžå…¬å®¤çŽ¯å¢ƒä¸€æ ·ã€‚

Relieves stress. Not only does golf improveyour strength, stamina, and flexibility, but it's good for the soul. When I'mstressed out, there's nothing like taking out all that pent-up energy on someballs. Plus, you can burn up to 1,300 calories during a four-hour round —walking and carrying clubs is a must. No wonder celebs like Jane Seymour andCatherine Zeta-Jones love it so much!

缓解压力。高尔夫ä¸ä»…å¯ä»¥æ”¹å–„你的力é‡ï¼Œä½“力和çµæ´»æ€§ï¼Œå¯¹ç²¾ç¥žä¹Ÿæœ‰å¥½å¤„。当我有压力时,最好的办法就是把所有压抑的能é‡é‡Šæ”¾åˆ°é«˜å°”夫çƒä¸Šã€‚å¦å¤–你还能在四å°æ—¶çš„比赛时间内消耗1300å¡è·¯é‡Œâ€”走路和拿çƒæ†æ˜¯å¿…è¦çš„活动。怪ä¸å¾—åƒç•西摩尔和泽塔ç¼æ–¯è¿™æ ·çš„å人这么热爱它!
🔥「高尔夫与èŒåœºã€çƒåœºä¸Šé‚£äº›é—ªå…‰çš„商务智慧,èŒåœºäººéƒ½è¯¥çœ‹ï¼ ...

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🔥「高尔夫与èŒåœºã€çƒåœºä¸Šé‚£äº›é—ªå…‰çš„商务智慧,èŒåœºäººéƒ½è¯¥çœ‹ï¼ ...

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