Golf Workshop

[利百特高尔夫学院] 【利百特◆心理韧性①】专注于简单的任务

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在线会员 发表于 2015-3-24 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式











Focusing on the Simple Task

As a sport psychologist and researcher I havespent many years observing and refining attitudes and behavior, both on and offthe course. What I have witnessed is that a considerable number of golfersrepeat the same mistake long before they step onto the first tee. Specifically,this mistake is about readiness, or a lack thereof. What I mean is that mostgolfers are not ready to actually “play” golf when they step onto the course.

Furthermore,most amateur golfers (and a few professionals as well) are still not “ready”even after they have completed three or four holes! This sense of “achievinggolf readiness” is the main difference between a player who is getting the mostout of their game versus another golfer who struggles to improve or lower theirhandicap. The feeling of not being comfortable in a scoring orconsequence-filled environment plagues many golfers, and particularly those whorarely play in an evaluative situation such as their club championship ortournament competition.

You maybe asking: Why am I saying this? Well, reader, it’s because many of thesegolfers are playing the games of distraction and expectation versus being readyto play the game of golf…..and more specifically….play their game. A basicpremise of our sport is that we often forget that the fundamental aspect is tohit the ball from one spot to another. Your task in golf, whether it is arecreational or tournament day, is to play your ball and move it from one spotto another in the most efficient and economical manner possible….period. Irealize that this is a simplistic overview, but it needs to be restated: Thetask in golf is to play your ball and move it from one spot to another in themost efficient and economical manner possible….end of story.

Alas,many golfers fail to understand the beauty or simplicity of this statement.Golfers who place standards of performance on their play generally createintense feelings of self-imposed internal pressure. By creating these feelingswithin about what they “have to do” or “should do”, they create tightness and asense of impending doom. Many times, they feel that they have to “win thematch” or “have a perfect swing” or any number of distracting thoughts thattake them out of a simple and focused mindset.

Golferswho have a distracted mind also have lofty expectations about the way that theyhave to hit the ball or how many birdies they make in a round or any number ofpre-set standards for performance. If they do not reach these goals andexpectancies, they are discouraged, angry and disappointed. If you feel thatyour golf game golf is more difficult than you want it to be, please read mynext installation in this series entitled: “Putting First Things First!” Untilthen, keep; up the good thoughts and know that the moment you change yourmind……you change your game!





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