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[美国PGA高尔夫学院] YourMobileGolfAcademy,PGAofAmericaGolfCommunityMiniApp

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在线会员 发表于 2022-6-20 18:58:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
After more than a year,the PGA of America Golf Community Mini APP is officially launched!


Scan code to enter the PGA of America Golf Community Mini APP

The APP was officially released by the PGA of America Learning Centers in China, which is a subsidiary of PacificPine Sports Group. It marks the integration of golf instruction with technology, both online and offline. The APP also includes a variety of different sections including golf instruction, upcoming events and tournaments, and an online mall. It is an important milestone for the PGA of America Learning Centers in China as we move towards digitalization.

The combination of tech zone, unique coaching platforms, sports and social media are to better enhance and optimize the experience for students and golf enthusiasts in PGA of America Learning Centers in China. In this way, our golf experience can be enjoyed both online and offline. You get to choose when and where you want to experience and learn from the Mini APP while the mini APP manages, tracks, and analyzes golf statistics for you. At the same time, the accessibility of the Mini APP can also allow more golf lovers to understand and experience the sport.


Students can view their lesson histories, records and review their homework anytime and anywhere without the need to download anything. The only action needed is to just open WeChat and scan or search for the PGA of America Golf Community Mini APP (美国PGA高尔夫社区), and then you’ll be able to check the coach's voice/text notes, videos, pictures or reports right in the APP. Contents include problems golfers face, solutions to those problems, drills, future plans, and analysis of the lesson using various technological equipment. If a junior student is attending the lesson, parents are also able to access their child's account through their own and see their child's golf training reports, which includes the child's lesson progress, scenes, as well as homework assigned.

In today's society, internet and technology have become a big part of our lives. The combination of 3D technology along with internet, sports, and education has made training easier to understand over time. We see that more professional players use various technological equipment to monitor club head speed and ball speed on the tour, while coaches use Trackman, V1, 3D motion plate etc. to analyze students' movements while coaching. The PGA of America Learning Centers in China's training has always been a pioneer in this regard, standing at the forefront of using technology, with complete technological equipment including Trackman, GCQuad, FlightScope, GASP, Sam PuttLab, 3D technology and CoachNow, which integrates videos, pictures, statistics, analysis and reports, The PGA of America Learning Centers in China uses all of these tools to improve the accuracy and efficiency of training. There are, however, various problems that can be encountered when using this type of technological equipment. Such problems that can occur are Internet IP blocking, content filtering, domain name hijacking, difficulties in downloading various APPs, scattered data and statistics, and various other problems. These greatly affect the use of such beneficial technologies and equipment for students and amateur players. The birth of the PGA of America Golf Community Mini APP integrates CoachNow and other technologies and information within the APP in which users now only need to scan the QR code from WeChat on their mobile phones to enter.


Being able to check the data and statistics of your own play through the on course scorecard and understand the strengths and weaknesses of your individual golf course performance is another unique feature of the PGA of America Golf Community, which is branded as an international professional training institution of the PGA of America Learning Centers in China. Here, in addition to the regular online scorecard function, you can record your fairway hits, green in regulation, up and down, sand save and putting statistics for each hole. After the game, players can check the complete statistics with other associated data. The PGA of America Golf Community has recorded stats and data on more than 300 golf courses. Players can play and record their scores based on the location of the golf course. Results are available after the game to track your scores and on course performance. Making every golf game fun and challenging experience for golf enthusiasts, the APP also helps players understand their strengths and weaknesses better.


Another major feature is brought on board to increase the enjoyment and challenge from golf! Will you be declared the Eagle or Birdie Champ? Compete for supremacy in the Eagle and Birdie Champ Challenge through the PGA Scorecard. In addition, the APP also includes stroke play, rules and trivia, and many other sections to share you the biggest advantage when it comes to improving your game!


The social sharing function on the APP allows for much more interaction between coaches and students, friends, and the community. In the APP, you can view the introduction of all the centers, coaches and programs of the PGA of America Learning Centers in China. You can also directly purchase merchandise and lessons from online store. Schedules and registration information for junior tournaments are also available in the APP. From the APP, players can make training and tournament plans in advance.

Finally, through the intelligent personal golf statistics center, we can see the students' personal lesson reports and histories in the learning centers. As well, we can view the scores and performances of amateurs playing on course. This can be greatly beneficial for golf lovers trying manage their own sports statistics and skill levels.


As a professional platform with the mission of promoting golf, the PGA of America Learning Centers in China has always taken improving the experience of students and golf lovers as its main mission. The PGA of America Golf Community APP allows students to enjoy professional golf instruction both online and offline as well as advanced scientific and technological teaching equipment provided by the PGA of America Learning Centers in China. Backed by the trust and professionalism of the century-old PGA of America, let’s enjoy what the connotation and charm of golf bring to our beautiful life.


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PGA of America Golf Community Mini APP






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美国职业高尔夫球协会(PGA of America,下简称美国PGA)美国PGA是全球最大型的体育组织之一,创立于1916,总部位于美国佛罗里达。全球会员由共2.9万名高尔夫产业的专业人士组成。作为百年高尔夫行业引领者,美国PGA自创立起一直致力于建立高尔夫行业职业标准,致力于普及和推动全球高尔夫运动的发展。2018年美国PGA进入中国,与中国观澜湖在深圳、东莞和海口成立美国PGA高尔夫学院 · 观澜湖,之后各大美国PGA高尔夫培训中心也相继开张,至今已发展到包括香港、北京和上海共十一个校区,为中国高尔夫爱好者和青少年提供优质高尔夫培训和教育。

美国PGA高尔夫培训中心·中国· 百年的教学体系——唯一一家可以将高尔夫教学撰写成教科书的培训中心;· 由世界名师,美国百佳教练Kevin Smeltz领衔的国际精英团队,教练接受统一技术要点培训,同时亦能做到针对个体差异化教学;· 超越技术教学范畴,建立体育、教育和职业一体体育教育体系,为学生打造成功之路;· 课程包括:全日制学生运动员课程、高尔夫单招课程、业余精英课程、青少年高尔夫训练营、高尔夫初级营/冠军成长营/精英特训营、假期营/亲子营/海外训练营、春&秋季课、校园高尔夫课程、青少年高尔夫球队、私教课、企业团建课程|团体课程、球场策略管理课程、高尔夫MBA、运动医学与康复、体能训练、心理训练等多种形式满足不同年龄不同水平的需求。

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Your Mobile Golf Academy, PGA of America Golf Community Mini App


Your Mobile Golf Academy, PGA of America Golf Community Mini App





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