本期沙坑技术分析邀请的球员是来自河南的“小骄傲” 张婕娜琳[color=rgba(255, 27, 94, 0.98)]。这位身材高挑的美女球手从2008年开始接触高尔夫,2015年转为职业,女子中巡赛场8次前10. 曾于2014年挑战女子欧巡资格学校,获得2015赛季部分欧巡赛事参赛资格。2016赛季最好成绩获张家港双山挑战赛并列第四名。2017赛季最好成绩获ICTSI菲律宾女子大师赛并列第六名。2018赛季取得过中国信托女子精英赛并列第四名和乐卡克北京女子精英赛第七名的佳绩。同年,成为女子日巡职业会员考试唯一通过的中国内地选手。
Setup Positions 准备姿势
Wide stance 宽站位
A correct bunker strike should generate a shallow divot in the sand, which doesn’t dig too much. The wider stance demonstrated here helps to generate a slightly shallower attack angle and reduce the amount of digging.
Pressuring the lead (left) foot 前(左)脚施压
To help with a consistent swing low-point, great bunker players pressure their lead sides in setup to the shot, and throughout the swing.
Left hand grip 前手握把
A left-hand grip turned more on top of the club will assist in adding more ‘cup’ / extension to the wrist. Cupping the left wrist opens the clubface during the swing; a consistent feature of all great bunker players techniques.
Ball position 球的位置
Ball position is placed towards the front of the stance, in line with the inside of the left heel. In a correct bunker impact, the club should strike the sand a small distance behind the ball, which is made a lot easier with the ball position demonstrated here.
Movement 运动
Swing arc 挥杆弧度
A wide swing arc with relatively straight arms will assist Zhang Jie Na Lin in creating the desired shallow angle of attack at impact.
Body pivot 身体旋转
Zhang Jie Na Lin demonstrates a great pivot action, where the body does not ‘sway’ away from the target. This greatly helps in controlling the clubs low-point.
Clubface 杆面
From this face-on camera angle, the bright reflection from the clubface shows us that the face is very open coming into the impact position – a trait of great bunker players.
这个正面的摄像角度来看,来自球杆面的明亮反射向我们展示了进入击球位置是杆面打开得很明显- 这是一个好的沙坑球员的特征。
张婕娜琳 沙坑边缘切球慢动作
Impact 击球
Zhang Jie Na Lin wrists demonstrate a fast, ‘flipping’ motion through impact, where the right wrist flexes. As demonstrated by their relative positions, a good sign here is that the club head is moving faster than the ball.
张婕娜琳的手腕在击球过程中有一个很快的“翻转”的动作 — 右手腕屈曲。正如挥杆视频所展示的,她的杆头移动的比球快,这一点做的很好。
Sand 沙
As with every correct strike out of the greenside bunkers, there should be a lot of sand seen flying out towards the target.
Finish 收杆
A well-balanced finish positions. If we look at the clubface here, it is clear that there has been little rotation, a common trait amongst good bunker players. Too much face rotation during impact will promote too much use of the club’s leading edge rather than the bounce.
[color=rgba(255, 27, 94, 0.98)]特别鸣谢技术分析教练Michael Dickie。
Michael Dickie:苏格兰PGA职业教练
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