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[利百特高尔夫学院] 【利百特◆A-Swing】要改动作,先从这5点入手

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在线会员 发表于 2015-6-23 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

大卫.利百特的新书 A-Swing于上个月12号开始发行出售,这也是十年来大卫的首本新书。。A - Swing挥杆理念改变了传统的高尔夫挥杆路径,使上杆变得更简洁有效,减少了上杆多余的步骤,因而能够更轻易地进入理想的下杆轨迹。在这篇文章中,我们归纳出A—Swing最核心的五大要点和理念,快来学习一下,来体验A-Swing的“魔力”吧~



A -swing 中,握杆的方式被称为“祈祷式”握杆:双手掌心相对,双手手腕都稍稍弯曲,几乎呈对称状态。在一个完整的握杆中,左手稍微强势,而右手稍微弱势。这样的握杆可以在整个挥杆过程中提供最大的灵活性。  



—— 莱恩.布罗姆





如果要用一个词或者概念来概括 The A Swing,那就是“同步性”,因为这本书中所有的内容都最终包含、融合了这一核心概念。所谓“同步性”是指:处于同步中的球手,其身体的转动(要素1)和手臂与球杆的挥动(要素2)是协调一致地运动,从而使整个挥杆都能拥有最佳的时间控制和节奏。

核心要点#5:A-Swing 不要机械地模仿模特挥杆

A-Swing 简单易学,容易掌握,而且每当挥杆又出现问题时,我会很清楚要怎么做才能纠正过来。



Core Value #1: The A Swing’s Grip

I call The A Swing’s grip the “prayer” grip because the palms of both hands face one another while presenting a little symmetrical bend or “cup” at the crease of each wrist. In the completed grip, the left hand assumes a slightly strong position while the right hand settles into a slightly weak one. The grip provides the flexibility needed to swing the club in a long and full arc and is an essential component in facilitating The A Swing’s short (and defining) arm swing.
Core Value #2: The body’s core initiates The A Swing then controls and coordinates the swinging of the arms and club throughout

With the pun very much intended, The A Swing instructs you to initiate the backswing by engaging the core muscles of your abdomen/belly. We not only begin the backswing by “swinging our core,” but continue to engage the core muscles of our torso (which connect to those of the shoulders and hips) throughout the entire swing. The body’s core represents your golf swing’s “inner circle” that stabilizes and transmits power and motion to your swing’s “outer circle,” the swinging arms and club.
Core Value #3: The A Swing’s  “Flat/Upright” backswing, in which the clubhead stays outside the line of the hands to the top

The A Swing’s backswing finds the hands and left arm swinging initially and decisively inward on what is traditionally described as a “flat” plane, while the wrists and right arm set the club shaft sharply and vertically onto a steep or upright plane. Together they create a distinctively unconventional “flat/upright” motion and look. This backswing works to ensure that the club and body reach the top of the swing together, and effectively sets the shaft to shallow-out during the swing’s transition phase onto the proper downswing plane.
Core Value #4: Synchronization: The A Swing’s Umbrella and Unifying Concept

If I were pressed to choose one word or concept that best encapsulates The A Swing it would be synchronization, as everything in the book ultimately incorporates, integrates and expresses this core value of core values. Here is my definition of synchronization taken directly from the book:  When a golfer is in sync, the rotation of the body (component 1) and the swinging of the arms and club (component 2) are coordinated and moving in harmony, resulting in good timing and rhythm.”
Core Value #5: The A Swing is not a swing method that requires golfers to conform to a rigid swing model

The A Swing helps all golfers develop and/or improve well-synchronized and powerful golf swings characterized by efficient movement and minimal effort. Yet just as everyone possesses a unique handwriting and speaking voice The A Swing accommodates individual expression easily and well. Therefore I wholeheartedly believe that by studying the book and practicing its lessons, The A Swing will quickly become Your Swing, and you will soon find yourself playing the best golf of your life.

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